Glad Tidings Ministry

256 Glad Tidings Ministry - is run by Pastor Nogeuse Goodnews. He is over a group of precious children in his area of Nigeria Africa... He is a man who claims Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, who loves the children and wants to see that they have all their needs met... I pray that someone might feel the Lord moving in them to donate to his ministry that is under the umbrella of WAAOM .

256 No amount is ever too small... I can not thank you enough for considering and your prayers are so needed also...

God is using us all to bless them and to provide them with clean water, food, shelter, drugs, clothes, shoes, medicines, and other very important necessities...

If you would like to sponsor one child then you will be able to say that you are being a mother or a father or a sister or a brother to them and you can request for Pastor Noguese Goodnews to keep you updated in different ways. And, it's all tax deductible, so you get all your money back when you do your taxes... 

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