angela dittmar


i have some songs to share........... i hope you are blessed and encouraged.........


Location: New York / Florida
Country: US


Blogs: 1
youtubes: 1
Songs: 2

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Hi All

user image 2010-09-09
By: angela dittmar
Posted in:
Hi all!
I am trying to get more songs here, I really appreciate this site and the opportunity to share.
I am so very happy and blessed when I see a song has been played. I need to be more diligent in uploading and I need to finish working on the songs He has allowed me to pen. I am aiming to get one song up every week.
I have many that are still needing work...and I will hopefully get one done every week.
anyway, I just uploaded a new song, "Whatsoever", based on Philippians 4:8. Please have a listen!

Ken Rich
09/19/10 11:26:38AM @ken-rich:
I had a listen - nice message!!!
Ken Rich
09/19/10 11:26:38AM @ken-rich:
I had a listen - nice message!!!


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