Barry and Teena Winslow


As a young boy of 17, music really hit me hard as my band "The Royal Guardsmen" had some hit records like "Snoopy vs The Red Baron" back in the late 60's. It was fun for awhile, but deep inside I knew there had to be more. When the Lord came into my life, He filled the emptiness with the Holy Spirit and gave me "a new song" to sing and for this I am forever grateful.



Location: West Plains, MO
Zipcode: 65775
Country: US


images: 10
Songs: 13
videos: 2

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album: Remnant
genre: Christian Rock
streams: 89

Barry Winslow
12/04/20 09:24:18PM @barry-and-teena-winslow:

LOL...yes Sir...she's a huntin' and a pokin' a little less smoke
for me, but that helps the guitar last a bit longer...LOL

Love ya man

Barry & Teena

T. Roy Taylor
12/04/20 09:33:22PM @t-roy-taylor:

Ha ha. Got it. Keep pickin' brother.


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