Andrea Campos


I am a born again christian young lady who loves God. I am commited with God and his word. I am an Evangelist and also sing at church. Not famous, heheheh I love to talk about Jesus. I try to help people by bringing to them, God's word and love. I do write poems and like to paint on my spare time. I have a 22 years old son that seeks the Lord also. I got married again. God gave me a gift, an awesome husband, that seeks his words too. God is faitfull.


Location: Florianopolis,SC
Country: BR


Blogs: 17
images: 70


user image 2011-04-21
By: Andrea Campos
Posted in:

Praying for God's Kingdom. Matthew 6:9-13

Christians cling to the promise that the Lord Jesus Christ will return to redeem the world and establish a new kingdom. But do you realize God has charged believers to pray for that event? Today's passage, which is commonly known as the Lord's Prayer, includes a petition for the future revival of the earth. Verse 10 says, "Your kingdom come."
In Eden, sin was unleashed upon the world.Adam and Eve gave in to temptation by eating fruit from the forbidden tree. And God allowed the consequences of that decision to play out—nature became a destructive force with the threat of earthquakes, floods, and tornadoes; the spirit and will of each person born bends away from his Creator; and Satan reigns as lord of this present age. But God made a redemptive plan to reclaim the earth from the Enemy and transform it into a kingdom under Christ's reign.
All of creation groans and suffers as it awaits the Lord's return (Romans 8:20-22).God's plan is to redeem not merely souls but also the world He created for His people to inhabit. So when we pray, "Your kingdom come," we are imploring God to bring forth His eternal kingdom. In that new earth, which will be free from corruption, believers will work and worship under the lordship of Jesus Christ forever.




By a Friend

Jean Winter
04/22/11 11:28:54AM @jean-winter:

Nice post Andrea.

God Bless you Sis,  Happy Easter.

Andrea Campos
04/22/11 12:54:16PM @andrea-campos:
Thank you sis. Happy Easter u too. God bless.


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