I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.
Location: Duncanville, TX
Zipcode: 75137
Country: US
Zipcode: 75137
Country: US
Blogs: 60
2010 - HAPPY NEW YEAR from Connie!
2010 - A Brand New Year! Irregardless of what 2009 represented for you and your family, this is a New Year that you are facing with new adventures, breakthroughs, and opportunities.
There is just something so special about starting anew. There is Hope and Expectancy involved. You are going to a place where you've never been before.
Just be sure of One Thing - don't carry your worries, fears, failures, and regrets into the New Year. Learn from your mistakes and then go on. The fact that you are still alive at the start of 2010 is an indication that God isn't finished with you yet. He has Great Plans for you.
Never Forget - God is the God of a Second Chance. 2010 is for some - "a second chance" - to fulfill the call on your life, make amends for past wrongdoings, do things God's way rather than your own, etc.
We at Walking In Truth Ministry are cheering you on. The Best is yet to come! We are totally confident that you will succeed and meet your God-given goals. Believe God to advance you to the place that you should be at this time in your spiritual walk. He can make up for lost time! HE IS GOD!
I wanted to share some of the stats that I posted on Facebook over the past few days. I believe that they will greatly bless you and speak to your heart.
2010 - A YEAR WHEN GOD WILL STRIVE WITH HIS PEOPLE 4 THE WORSHIP DUE HIS NAME! Jesus gave me this "word" yesterday. 2010 will be a year when Holy Spirit deals with the Bride concerning "idols." It's BEST that we RESOLVE at the start of this New Year to LET GO of anything that stands before JESUS. For those who DON'T LET GO easily, He'll allow circumstances which will help to pry the idols out of their hands or heart!
Lk 9:51 says of JESUS - "He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem." Without faltering, swerving, resisting - NOTHING turned Him aside - His resolve NEVER broke. He was firmly determined to accomplish His purpose. IN 2010, ARE YOU THAT RESOLVED TO REACH YOUR DESTINY? Don't just hold your place in the teeth of the wind, make progress in spite of it! Take advantage of the wind. Let it bring you closer to your destination. What the devil means for evil, God will SURELY turn it around for your good! NEVER FORGET - you are going somewhere. GOD HAS A PLAN!
"What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee." "I will not be afraid what man can do unto me." "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid." "Be not afraid of their faces." "neither be afraid of their words. "Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace." "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." GOD IS WANTING TO GET A MESSAGE ACROSS TO YOU! It is this - FEAR NOT!
Act 24:16 says - "And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, & toward men." WHAT A GOAL FOR THE NEW YEAR - 2010! To strive to practice no deceit, wear no mask, nor indulge in secret sin. 1Jo 3:21 says why - "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God." U will have the assurance that God hears U when U pray! WHAT A GLORIOUS AIM!
Gen 1:1 says - "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." OH, HOW I LOVE GOD'S WORD! Right from the beginning - in the very first verse of the Bible - God offers us such ENCOURAGEMENT for 2010! Here is the STRONG, MIGHTY, OMNIPOTENT POWER creating the universe OUT OF NOTHING! OUT OF YOUR NOTHING, God can & will create SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL 4 U in 2010! Just believe!
Gen 1:11 says - "and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself." From the very start of our Manual - the Bible - God reminds us of the "fruit tree." We are that tree! Whether we like it or not - we are producing after our kind. We are either turning people to the flesh or drawing them closer to the spiritual - JESUS - all because of the SEED within us. WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION?
Gen 1:11 says - "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass..." The Light & air were called into existence by God. The vegetable world had 2 grow. There will be things in our lives that we can decree & call into existence by our spoken word. Then again, there will be things that will take time - come forth thru a growing process. WE HAVE 2 KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!
Gen 1:16 says - "And God made 2 great lights." Gen 1:17 says - "And God set them in the firmament." Gen 1:18 says - "to rule." God takes His people - His minsters thru a process. He makes U what He ordained U 2 B; He then sets U in the place that He ordained 4 U; Then He gives you the authority, anointing, & power 2 rule on His behalf. Where R U in this process - in the MAKING, SETTING, or RULING stage?
I had the Most Wonderful Christmas - filled with many opportunities to preach the Gospel to the lost. I had three Divine Appointments that were exceptional. Here are the stories -
After church, I stopped at the Walmart in Colleyville - a place that I've never been before. Jesus had a DIVINE APPOINTMENT waiting for me there. A woman approached me & began talking to me. I witnessed to her. She already knew the Lord but told me that she has breast cancer & has to see the doctor this week. I prayed for her & felt the power of God flow thru her body - bringing healing! JESUS, U R AMAZING!
I JUST HAD THE MOST AWESOME EXPERIENCE AT BLOCKBUSTER. Carl & I went in 2 return a Family Movie that we watched last night & 2 look 4 another 4 tonight. I asked the clerk a question & she began 2 tell me how she was suffering with a Bladder Infection. I asked if I could pray 4 her. Right there in Blockbuster, I laid hands on her & prayed for her HEALING! It happened on Christmas! THAT IS WHY JESUS CAME!
A DIVINE APPOINTMENT! 4 the past weeks, a particular clerk at Kohl's would find me & strike up a conversation. This morning was no different. I asked her - "HOW WAS UR CHRISTMAS?" She said - "TERRIBLE!" She & her fiance argued the entire day & she had troubles in the family. I was able 2 preach 2 her about making JESUS Lord over her life & definitely over her marriage. She said that she would pray & do so! GLORY! I invited her to come to my church tomorrow and to bring her fiancee with her. She said that she would try to make it. I left her with a Gospel tract explaining the Gospel in detail and offering a sinner's prayer at the end of it to pray to be saved. She said that she would read it! JESUS, YOU ARE TOO AWESOME FOR WORDS!
Believe for the Miraculous in 2010! Don't settle for less!
We at Walking In Truth Ministry wish you a Blessed & Prosperous New Year!
We are praying for you that you will draw closer to Jesus through His Word and prayer.
© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org.
Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138
There is just something so special about starting anew. There is Hope and Expectancy involved. You are going to a place where you've never been before.
Just be sure of One Thing - don't carry your worries, fears, failures, and regrets into the New Year. Learn from your mistakes and then go on. The fact that you are still alive at the start of 2010 is an indication that God isn't finished with you yet. He has Great Plans for you.
Never Forget - God is the God of a Second Chance. 2010 is for some - "a second chance" - to fulfill the call on your life, make amends for past wrongdoings, do things God's way rather than your own, etc.
We at Walking In Truth Ministry are cheering you on. The Best is yet to come! We are totally confident that you will succeed and meet your God-given goals. Believe God to advance you to the place that you should be at this time in your spiritual walk. He can make up for lost time! HE IS GOD!
I wanted to share some of the stats that I posted on Facebook over the past few days. I believe that they will greatly bless you and speak to your heart.
2010 - A YEAR WHEN GOD WILL STRIVE WITH HIS PEOPLE 4 THE WORSHIP DUE HIS NAME! Jesus gave me this "word" yesterday. 2010 will be a year when Holy Spirit deals with the Bride concerning "idols." It's BEST that we RESOLVE at the start of this New Year to LET GO of anything that stands before JESUS. For those who DON'T LET GO easily, He'll allow circumstances which will help to pry the idols out of their hands or heart!
Lk 9:51 says of JESUS - "He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem." Without faltering, swerving, resisting - NOTHING turned Him aside - His resolve NEVER broke. He was firmly determined to accomplish His purpose. IN 2010, ARE YOU THAT RESOLVED TO REACH YOUR DESTINY? Don't just hold your place in the teeth of the wind, make progress in spite of it! Take advantage of the wind. Let it bring you closer to your destination. What the devil means for evil, God will SURELY turn it around for your good! NEVER FORGET - you are going somewhere. GOD HAS A PLAN!
"What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee." "I will not be afraid what man can do unto me." "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid." "Be not afraid of their faces." "neither be afraid of their words. "Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace." "Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." GOD IS WANTING TO GET A MESSAGE ACROSS TO YOU! It is this - FEAR NOT!
Act 24:16 says - "And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, & toward men." WHAT A GOAL FOR THE NEW YEAR - 2010! To strive to practice no deceit, wear no mask, nor indulge in secret sin. 1Jo 3:21 says why - "Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God." U will have the assurance that God hears U when U pray! WHAT A GLORIOUS AIM!
Gen 1:1 says - "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." OH, HOW I LOVE GOD'S WORD! Right from the beginning - in the very first verse of the Bible - God offers us such ENCOURAGEMENT for 2010! Here is the STRONG, MIGHTY, OMNIPOTENT POWER creating the universe OUT OF NOTHING! OUT OF YOUR NOTHING, God can & will create SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL 4 U in 2010! Just believe!
Gen 1:11 says - "and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself." From the very start of our Manual - the Bible - God reminds us of the "fruit tree." We are that tree! Whether we like it or not - we are producing after our kind. We are either turning people to the flesh or drawing them closer to the spiritual - JESUS - all because of the SEED within us. WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION?
Gen 1:11 says - "And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass..." The Light & air were called into existence by God. The vegetable world had 2 grow. There will be things in our lives that we can decree & call into existence by our spoken word. Then again, there will be things that will take time - come forth thru a growing process. WE HAVE 2 KNOW THE DIFFERENCE!
Gen 1:16 says - "And God made 2 great lights." Gen 1:17 says - "And God set them in the firmament." Gen 1:18 says - "to rule." God takes His people - His minsters thru a process. He makes U what He ordained U 2 B; He then sets U in the place that He ordained 4 U; Then He gives you the authority, anointing, & power 2 rule on His behalf. Where R U in this process - in the MAKING, SETTING, or RULING stage?
I had the Most Wonderful Christmas - filled with many opportunities to preach the Gospel to the lost. I had three Divine Appointments that were exceptional. Here are the stories -
After church, I stopped at the Walmart in Colleyville - a place that I've never been before. Jesus had a DIVINE APPOINTMENT waiting for me there. A woman approached me & began talking to me. I witnessed to her. She already knew the Lord but told me that she has breast cancer & has to see the doctor this week. I prayed for her & felt the power of God flow thru her body - bringing healing! JESUS, U R AMAZING!
I JUST HAD THE MOST AWESOME EXPERIENCE AT BLOCKBUSTER. Carl & I went in 2 return a Family Movie that we watched last night & 2 look 4 another 4 tonight. I asked the clerk a question & she began 2 tell me how she was suffering with a Bladder Infection. I asked if I could pray 4 her. Right there in Blockbuster, I laid hands on her & prayed for her HEALING! It happened on Christmas! THAT IS WHY JESUS CAME!
A DIVINE APPOINTMENT! 4 the past weeks, a particular clerk at Kohl's would find me & strike up a conversation. This morning was no different. I asked her - "HOW WAS UR CHRISTMAS?" She said - "TERRIBLE!" She & her fiance argued the entire day & she had troubles in the family. I was able 2 preach 2 her about making JESUS Lord over her life & definitely over her marriage. She said that she would pray & do so! GLORY! I invited her to come to my church tomorrow and to bring her fiancee with her. She said that she would try to make it. I left her with a Gospel tract explaining the Gospel in detail and offering a sinner's prayer at the end of it to pray to be saved. She said that she would read it! JESUS, YOU ARE TOO AWESOME FOR WORDS!
Believe for the Miraculous in 2010! Don't settle for less!
We at Walking In Truth Ministry wish you a Blessed & Prosperous New Year!
We are praying for you that you will draw closer to Jesus through His Word and prayer.
© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org.
Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138
Hi Connie Very well written God Bless Jean
Hi Connie Very well written God Bless Jean