Connie Giordano


I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.


Location: Duncanville, TX
Zipcode: 75137
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Blogs: 60


user image 2009-10-16
By: Connie Giordano
Posted in:
"Hard work means prosperity; only a fool idles away his time" (Proverbs 12:11) - The Living Bible
"Hard work brings prosperity; playing around brings poverty" (Proverbs 28:19) - The Living Bible

"Wise people work hard while fools waste time." - Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary

"Prosperity depends on diligent work." - The Expositor's Bible Commentary

"Christianity is meant to hallow life in all its phases - to hallow business, labor, recreation." - Biblical Illustrator - Old Testament

"Keep thy shop and thy shop will keep thee."

"Men over-build themselves or over-buy themselves, keep greater company, or a better table, or more servants, than they can afford, suffer what they have to go to decay and do not make the most of it; or being bound for others, their estates are sunk, their families reduced, and all for want of judgment." - Both Quotes from the Matthew Henry Commentary

Are you a person who loves to waste time on frivolous nonsense? Do you spend your entire day talking on the telephone wasting other people's precious time or wasting your days chit-chatting through e-mails? Let's be real here! Are you a lazy person who wants everyone else to do the hard work while you get the easy jobs? Do you dream of becoming rich some day, yet you won't lift a finger in hard work? Are you looking for some easy cash - like winning the lottery? Are you always looking for something for nothing? Are you hoping that - if you plant your "seed" (tithe) into some fertile soil (some big-named ministry) - you will become rich overnight?

Does your day consist of laying around watching television from morning until night - Christian television, that is - yet you cannot crack open your Bible for one second? Are you seeking to have some big-named preacher lay hands on you for a transference of his anointing, yet you will not pay the price yourself through the diligent study of God's Word and prayer?

Do you sit around daydreaming your life away - thinking of the way things used to be? Is your mind wrapped up in thoughts of self-pity or depression? Are you locked into the past through your thought life - while you are missing out on the present moments or opportunities that are crossing your path?

We want to examine three proverbs that deal with the subject of hard work producing prosperity vs. idleness producing poverty.

Let's look into them and see what we can learn.

Proverbs 12:11 says - "He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding."
Proverbs 13:23 says - "Much food is in the tillage of the poor: but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment."
Proverbs 28:19 says - "He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough."

The Scriptures tell us that he who "tilleth his land" "shall be satisfied with bread" or "shall have plenty of bread."

What does it mean by the words - "tilleth his land"?

This is the one who employs his time in an honest calling...lives a life of industry or hard employed in some form of business..or cultivates his "field" so as to support himself honestly and abundantly.

The Scriptures say that he will "be satisfied" ... "have plenty" filled ... enjoy provisions of all sorts ... as well as provide sufficiently for his family and have enough to share with the poor.

On the contrary, "he that followeth vain persons" "is void of understanding" or "shall have poverty enough." This person pursues vain things, empty or worthless pursuits, or fantasies... chases pretty rainbows - so to speak...falls in with idle or careless companions... follows after evil courses... neglects his business... indulges his time in easy and pleasant living...loiters away his time... spends it in the company of empty and unprofitable people...runs after dreams of quick profit...and is a slothful spendthrift.

His outcome?

He lacks common empty of all spiritual good... becomes burdensome to others...becomes exceedingly reduced to utmost distress...and oftentimes becomes destitute of daily food.

Proverbs 13:23 says that the problem is not that there is a lack of "food" "in the tillage of the poor" but that there is a lack of "judgment," discretion, prudence, management, or foresight of what is there. Oftentimes, it is wasted away or easily spent up frivolously - rather than being improved by industry or hard work.

There may be little to start with, but God would have us take pains and be diligent to work with what we have. He will then multiply it - taking our little and making it much - as we are "faithful" in the little.

There is one observation that needs to be made here. Proverbs 13:23 also can be taken in the sense that the "much food in the tillage of the poor" "is destroyed" through the injustice of the unconscionable rich. In other words, what hard labor produces - injustice swiftly takes away.

**There may be those reading this message who are suffering at the hand of a dishonest or unjust boss or at the hand of selfish and greedy people who can think only of themselves. You work hard, and yet you cannot make ends meet. Your wages are unjustly kept back. This message is not for you. God is not condemning you for being lazy. By His miraculous intervention, we do believe and agree for the Lord to deliver you - by His mighty outstretched arm - from your oppressive circumstances and to restore all that the devil stole from you.

"Wise people work hard while fools waste time."

Are you a fool? Are you idling away your time or playing around? Are you aware of the fact that poverty - physical, spiritual, mental, and financial - is awaiting you right around the corner?

"Hard work means prosperity..."

Knowing this, what kind of changes are needed in your life in order to avoid poverty and bring in prosperity?

May God give you the grace to do what you have to do,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

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Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138
Jean Winter
10/16/09 07:26:08PM @jean-winter:
Well written Connie. God Bless Jean
Jean Winter
10/16/09 07:26:08PM @jean-winter:
Well written Connie. God Bless Jean


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