Connie Giordano


I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.


Location: Duncanville, TX
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Blogs: 60


user image 2009-09-30
By: Connie Giordano
Posted in:
"Christ is our way, and we are not only alive in Christ, but we are to live in Christ; the sorrow is that we bespatter His holy way with our selfishness, and carnality, and so we miss a great measure of the blessedness which is in Him as our way." - Charles Spurgeon

"The Church has to prepare herself for this event before it can take place. The Lord will not accept a bride who is not purified and fit for the Heavenly Bridegroom." - The People's New Testament

In Psalm 119:1, the Psalmist declared - "Blessed are the undefiled in the way..." These are the unstained, unsullied, and untainted - spiritually speaking. They are the ones who are without blemish, spot, or fault - who keep themselves pure from the pollutions of sin...are habitually sincere in their whose spirit there is no guile...and act according to the word of God.

"Blessed are the undefiled in the way..."

They are washed in the Blood of Jesus...justified by His righteousness...and sanctified by His Spirit. They are wholly devoted to Him and completely separated unto Him - having no other loves.

They are the ones to whom the Heavenly Bridegroom yearns to share fellowship - "...Open to me, My sister, My love, My dove, My undefiled..." (Song of Solomon 5:2) ... "My dove, My undefiled is but one..." (Song of Solomon 6:9) ... "Thou art all fair, My love; there is no spot in thee" (Song of Solomon 4:7).

They are desperately in love with One - the Lord Jesus Christ. They are undivided in their devotion to Him - having Him as the only beloved of their soul. They are fully and wholly identified with Him.

"...My undefiled is but one..."

This "but one" group - without an equal - lives in the Spirit and has a single eye for Him.

It is interesting to note that they are classified as His "dove." The reason being is because the "dove" - in the Eastern countries - is noted for its dazzling plumage and remarkable for its cleanliness...feeds only on pure grain...delights in being fed by its own distinguished for its love to its mate...and undergoes great grief when separated from him or her.

The "undefiled" like the "dove" are "all fair" - or all beautiful - having "no spots," defects, or impurities from any sin...feed on the "pure grain" of the Word of God...delight in hearing from their Master and feasting on His Word...are desperately in love with Him...and suffer great grief when He withdraws His Presence at any time.

The "undefiled" keep the spiritual marriage bed "undefiled" (Hebrews 13:4) - cleaving faithfully to their Heavenly Bridegroom - at all times watching against any unlawful or inordinate affections which would serve to steal their love from Him.

In no way are they "adulterers and adulteresses" (James 4:4) - loving the world more than Him... indulging in carnal inclinations ... setting their hearts on earthly things ... conforming to the world's ways ... giving their best affections to the world ... governing themselves by worldly maxims ... having a prevailing desire for evil things ... or delighting in the companionship of the men of this world.

They are members of the "Glorious Church" - "not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" (Ephesians 5:27).

God is right now in the process of preparing this Bride for His Son. Ephesians 5:25-27 tells us how - "...even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it; That He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That He might present it to Himself a glorious church, not having spot..."

That word "present" means to prepare. The Lord Jesus - right now - is preparing for Himself a Holy Spouse - a church cleansed from sin...a bride without who is in every way full of splendor, honor, and beauty...and one who is glorious within - whose heart and life is holy.

How is He doing it?

By His Awesome Word!

In the meantime, these "blessed" ones - the "undefiled" - are "making themselves ready" (Revelation 19:7) - by yielding to the Holy Spirit in all areas of their lives and allowing Him to bring every part into subjection to His Word.

Do you feel the workings of the Holy Spirit at this time in your life - pulling, plucking up, turning, stripping, readjusting, or changing things - especially you ?

If not - we question where you are at with the Lord! Are you even a part of His Bride?

Remember the quote from The People's New Testament - "The Church has to prepare herself for this event before it can take place. The Lord will not accept a bride who is not purified and fit for the Heavenly Bridegroom."
Spurgeon said - "...the sorrow is that we bespatter His holy way with our selfishness, and carnality..."

Are you one of the "undefiled" - one of the "blessed" ones? Or is your own selfishness and carnality standing in the way of God's blessings?

"...The Lord will not accept a bride who is not purified and fit for the Heavenly Bridegroom."

If you plan on hearing these words from the Heavenly Bridegroom - the Lord Jesus Christ - saying - "Open to me, My sister, My love, My dove, My undefiled..." (Song of Solomon 5:2) ... "My dove, My undefiled is but one..." (Song of Solomon 6:9) ... "Thou art all fair, My love; there is no spot in thee" (Song of Solomon 4:7) - then it is needful that you immediately repent of all sins and submit your life totally and absolutely to the Word of God - allowing it to transform you.

"Blessed are the undefiled in the way..."

They are the Only Ones who receive the blessing of eternal fellowship with the Heavenly Bridegroom!

God will have it no other way!

May God Bless His Word,

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