Jack Marti


I'm a California transplant who lives in Tennessee and loves to sing and play guitar for Jesus!


youtubes: 94

The Want of Men (Education 57) - as sung by Jack Marti

Category: Music
Duration: 00:01:49
This is one of my favorite passages from the pen of Ellen G. White from her book, Education. I just put it together with this tune a week or two ago. It couldn't be a more timely message for the time in which we live. May it be a blessing and an inspiration to all who listen.

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The greatest want of the world is the want of men-
men who will not be bought or sold;
men who in their inmost souls are true
and honest; men who do not fear
to call sin by its right name;
men whose conscience is as true
to duty as the needle to the pole;
men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.

But such a character is not
the result of accident;
it is not due to special favors
or endowments of Providence.
A noble character
is the result of self-discipline,
of the subjection of the lower
to the higher nature--
the surrender of self for the service
of love to God and man.

From the book called Education,
page fufty-seven.

Words by Ellen G. White
Music by Jack Marti


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