Jim Seely


I've played guitar for the Christ the Servant Lutheran praise band (Louisville, CO) for the past 15+ years. I also play in two local blues bands. We have introduced the blues genre into some of our worship services....Something rather unusual for a Lutheran church. We have found that it is very well accepted by the congregation and makes for a very meaningful worship experience in a liturgical setting. The music included here was written by me, produced and recorded by Dan Graeber (the keyboardist and band leader for our church band...The CTS Praise Band). Lead vocalists include Mari Harguth, Debbie Blanco, Dan Graeber and Nathan Wubbena. Debbie Kinz, Sandy Johnston and Scott Miller on back up vocals. Craig Francis on bass, Brian Moran and Mark Macy on drums. Austin Kaliher myself on guitars. We hope the music is a blessing to you all!


Location: Louisville, CO
Zipcode: 80027
Country: US


Songs: 5

The Lord's Prayer

album: Back to the Well
streams: 19

The Lord's Prayer


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