Marcus G. Whiddon


I'm 81 Years old (Bro. Zack Martin had me a little older, Ha) but I'll be 82 July 9, 2011, Lord willing. Been singing and playing music and writing songs since about 10 years old. Been on Radio Programs, First TV Country Music on First TV Station, in Montgomery, AL, WCOV, on WBAM Big Bam Radio. Taylor Made Opry, J & J Opry and entertained at a number of Nuirsing homes and Sr. Citizen Centers in my later years after being retired from WE. Co. after 23 years and a year's Sick leave following by pass surgery in 1973. Have recorded 2 Country Albums, 2 Christmas Albums and a number of singles, plus the CDs I name reproduce of my songs. etc.Have authored two books, "Lest We Dare Forget" during Gulf war and "Tell It Like It Is"I'm an Ordained Deacon and licensened Southern Baptist Minister. Married to same devoted and loving Wife for 60 years. God is so Good!


Location: Dothan, AL
Zipcode: 36305
Country: US


Blogs: 6

Loving The President

user image 2011-10-01
By: Marcus G. Whiddon
Posted in:
Loving The president? Or Not! Mr. President, I love you even though I don’t like what you are doing to our Country! I have to ‘Love You, because Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior has commanded and told us to love you and Pray for you and even Pray for our Enemies.
Friend or Enemy? Considering the things you have done these last 2 ½ years I don’t know what category to put you in. One thing I don’t recall Jesus saying is that we had to ‘like’ what you do to us.
Mr. President I just wish you ‘loved’ us Americans half as much as we ‘love you! And, we wish you would want to do what is best for our Country and not just what is best for your political future, fortune and Gain!
I hear you profess to be a Christian, but I’ve never heard you say that you have “Accepted Jesus Christ as Your Lord and Savior.” I ask you now, “Have You?”
No, You don’t have to be a Christian to be elected President, but Almighty God will not honor one who Denies Him nor Bless the Nation he might lead. Not unless there is a mighty turning away and repentance from sin by the People of this Nation. No matter what you do it will not be successful otherwise! 9-24-11 and


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