Seeking My Remnant Entertainment


Apostle Dr. Heloise Sulyans-Gibson:Chaplain-Advocate Outreach Ministries in all aspects on being on the highways and byways. SMR Media Productions videos the many ways we celebrate our love for God and Jesus


Location: Staten Island, NY
Zipcode: 10302
Country: US


Blogs: 4
images: 266
youtubes: 383
Songs: 55
videos: 1

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Dave Butler Canadian Country Gospel Artist-Joshua's House for Christian Artists

Duration: 00:02:13
Mountains of Gold, Wings of Eagle are just some of the many songs this man of God who has gone home to be with the LORD.
Come hear the testimony of who Dave Butler was and how nothing keep him from bringing the Good New to thousands.
Ken Rich
06/08/10 12:38:44PM @ken-rich:
"When the student is ready, the master appears" - he entered my life at a critical juncture, at just the right time. Providence, destiny, part of a plan - it sure seems so. I would not be doing music Ministry if it had not been for Dave, and if the truth be known, I would probably be still wallowing in self pity, and defeat. When he played live, he could have a whole congregation moved to tears by his heartfelt performances. In his personal presence, it was impossible to be down or depressed - he radiated life. Dave is gone now, but he has left me (and others) changed.


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