
Tony “WHOA!” Wallace II is a Christian Rapper from Indianapolis, Indiana, who recently released his eighth CD, Electric Car. “Trying to paint Tony as an average cat would be doing him disservice. As a matter of fact TonyWHOA! is a dude cut from a different cloth. He is a throwback MC in every sense of the word. Not only that, based on his socially conscience and at times humorous rhymes’ Tony might be considered a symbol of those who would like to take things back to “The Roots.” (Paul Collins, Raised by artistic parents with a strong love for music and poetry, it was inevitable he would become a wordsmith. During a brief move to Augusta Georgia at age eight leaving family and friends behind. Tony took to writing poems and songs to ease the pain of being far from home. Upon returning to Indianapolis, he was introduced to Hip Hop by his Uncle P-Rockk. Beginning his love affair with Rap Music, and solidifying what he wanted to be when he grew up. Tapping into various sub genres and styles of Rap through out the 80’s and 90’s, Tony finally found his home in Holy Hip Hop. Being raised in church his whole life the prodigal son had finally returned. Now in 2011 with seven classic CDs behind him, Tony is poised to tackle the future. The new CD Electric Car is going to be the vehicle to get him there. “TonyWHOA! is a man on a mission. That mission is to touch people where they are for The Lord Jesus”. (Paul Collins,


Location: Indianapolis
Country: US


images: 2
Songs: 3
