Adeline Yeo (HP) is an unsigned music artist based in Asia region, Singapore. With no prior musical knowledge and experience, she stumbled upon a new music program and started her music compositions in her indie music journey. As she keep on practicing her craft, her fingers became more nimble and soon she was able to produce beautiful melodies. She felt that music brightens up her life and she hope to do it for others as well.
Blogs: 4
youtubes: 19
flickr: 10
Songs: 3
Tagged: musicproduction
Adeline Yeo Music Production Online Website Banner
Adeline Yeo Music Production Website Banner is a pink and purple colours banner as website banner display purpose. Website: www.adelineyeomusicproduction.online
City Road Rhythm Motion Graphics Music Video
City Road Rhythms Motion Graphics Music Video is a rectro futuristic or synth electronic original instrumental music track. In collaboration with Bored Humans in music video production. Artist: Adeline Yeo Composer and Producer: Adeline Hwee Pin Yeo Website: boredhumans.com/ Artist Website: www.adelineyeomusicproduction.online
Adeline Yeo Indie Musician Website Launch
Adeline Yeo Indie Musician Website Launch. Welcome superfans or just fans to join us for original music, songs, music videos, playlist, artist news and other perks soon. Please check out and visit for more info: adeline-yeo-musician.rhythmic-rebellion.com/