
Thank you Three years of trying to make money online, spend scads of money-ZERO.Maybe the results of a miracle, I have no money to you next to me all contributions accounts empty, I have a PayPal account but I have no money to be activated, I have a ClickBank membership should be around 50 $ activation , I would be grateful if you will help to earn at least half the extent of shrinkage zadate my computer the day the night. instyrukciju our help and, as the weak speak in English using Google translater takes time but with the .. BUT I NO KNOW WHAT IS ME NEXT STEP ACTIONS Thank you. Adolf


Location: Lincolnshire
Country: GB



Toria Newman
07/10/09 08:18:44PM @toria-newman:

Ken Rich
07/11/09 02:58:20PM @ken-rich:
Welcome Adolfas, I'm not sure what to say about your predicament. Perhaps you should see this blog post - Secret Witchcraft It deals with the relationship, we as Christians, are supposed to have with wealth. That we should seek God, instead of seeking riches. He promises to provide for our needs, if we are in a right relationship with him.

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