I have been writing Christian music for several years now. I play keyboards, guitar and sax. I mainly hammer out my tunes with my guitar first and then add the finishing touches on the keyboard. Inspiration comes freely from the Lord. I have been blessed with so many melodies and words that I feel the need to share the Lords message. Please feel free to upload my songs and use for church purposes. I also write several mass settings to use during church services. Feel free to contact me by my email address at: flor8227@hotmail.com or visit my website at alfie-media.com and I will be happy to furnish your needs. Bless you all!
Location: Helotes, TX
Zipcode: 78023
Country: US
Zipcode: 78023
Country: US
Songs: 24
Nice to see you here Alfred....
Welcome to Indie Gospel
God Bless