Andrea Campos


I am a born again christian young lady who loves God. I am commited with God and his word. I am an Evangelist and also sing at church. Not famous, heheheh I love to talk about Jesus. I try to help people by bringing to them, God's word and love. I do write poems and like to paint on my spare time. I have a 22 years old son that seeks the Lord also. I got married again. God gave me a gift, an awesome husband, that seeks his words too. God is faitfull.


Location: Florianopolis,SC
Country: BR


Blogs: 17
images: 70


user image 2010-05-20
By: Andrea Campos
Posted in:
An old poem describes a woman walking through a meadow, meditating on nature.While strolling about, she came upon a field of golden pumpkins. In the corner of the field stood a majestic, huge oak tree.

She sat under the oak tree musing on the strange twists in nature,which put tiny acorns on huge branches and huge pumpkins on tiny vines. She thought to herself, "God blundered with Creation! He should have put the small acorns on the tiny vines and the large pumpkins on the huge branches."

Nodding off, the woman stretched out under the oak tree for a nap.A few minutes after falling asleep, a tiny acorn bouncing off her nose awakened her. Chuckling to herself, she rubbed her nose and thought, "Maybe God was right after all!"

Things should not always be as we want it to be..

God knows better!

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. - Isaiah 55:8
Jean Winter
05/20/10 07:30:13PM @jean-winter:
Hi Andrea Great Poem God Bless Jean
Andrea Campos
05/20/10 08:06:55PM @andrea-campos:


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