I am a born again christian young lady who loves God. I am commited with God and his word. I am an Evangelist and also sing at church. Not famous, heheheh
I love to talk about Jesus. I try to help people by bringing to them, God's word and love. I do write poems and like to paint on my spare time. I have a 22 years old son that seeks the Lord also. I got married again. God gave me a gift, an awesome husband, that seeks his words too. God is faitfull.
Location: Florianopolis,SC
Country: BR
Country: BR
Blogs: 17
images: 70
Sometimes God does with us like the eagle does with her nest. The eagle makes an
unconfortable nest, where the nestling exercise their wings 'till it's time to fly. The nest is unconfortable so the nestling don't wanna stay more than they need. They feel unconfortable, so..they will fly on the right time. Same thing God does w/ us. He takes us out of our confortable zone, when is time to us to get to a new level in our lives. He does that not cause we are bad or a kind of punishment, it is cause everything that happens in our lives are a kind of test that we need to pass. We stay in a position, learning (confortable), and later we have to show what we did learn going to some kind of trial (test), to make us come out of that confortable zone, applying what we learned. If we don't pass, we go to the start position again, if we pass, we get confortable for a little while again, 'till the next turn....growing and growing, 'till where He wants us to be, or doing what He wants us to do. Ask God to show you what He really wants from you, where He wants you to be ...... but, be quiet to listening what He is whispering in your ears.
God bless you.
Sometimes God does with us like the eagle does with her nest. The eagle makes an
unconfortable nest, where the nestling exercise their wings 'till it's time to fly. The nest is unconfortable so the nestling don't wanna stay more than they need. They feel unconfortable, so..they will fly on the right time. Same thing God does w/ us. He takes us out of our confortable zone, when is time to us to get to a new level in our lives. He does that not cause we are bad or a kind of punishment, it is cause everything that happens in our lives are a kind of test that we need to pass. We stay in a position, learning (confortable), and later we have to show what we did learn going to some kind of trial (test), to make us come out of that confortable zone, applying what we learned. If we don't pass, we go to the start position again, if we pass, we get confortable for a little while again, 'till the next turn....growing and growing, 'till where He wants us to be, or doing what He wants us to do. Ask God to show you what He really wants from you, where He wants you to be ...... but, be quiet to listening what He is whispering in your ears.
God bless you.

Hi Andrea, That's so true - the trials and tribulations cause growth, by developing perseverance, and proven (tested) character. Also, what you wrote about listening, sometimes we just need to be still.
Amem brother.