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About Ann M. Wolf: She is a Multi-lingual Songwriter & Recording Indie Artist that composes & sings in a wide variety of genres, from Blues to Bluegrass; but no matter the style, she always offers a message of Hope, Healing, Unity & Redemption. Read more about Ann's recordings.
Songwriting & Performing: Ann has been writing, recording & performing her own spiritually-based music & narrations for over four decades. She has been a solo or contributing artist on over 20 albums. She has performed in special events, music venues, conferences & honor ceremonies over the years as well as having had the leading roles of Mary & Mary Magdalene in theatrical productions, both in the USA & in Europe. Read more Bio.
A Voice for Freedom: Currently Ann is devoted to composing, writing, speaking & singing about two kinds of Freedom, the first being the Freedom we gain for our soul via our personal relationship with God. The second is Liberty of Life which has been made possible by our Constitution and sustained by those who have served in harm's way from the inception of our nation. Read about Ann's artist/speaker presentations.
SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIONS: Find Direct LINKS to most all of Ann's Social Media Profile Pages on a wide variety of News, Video Streaming, and Social Platforms, including newer sites that promote free speech & no shadow banning or censorship. Read more.
CONTACT ANN: Send Ann a note.
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Zipcode: 37886
Country: US
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Ann M. Wolf "The Lighthouse Prayer"

Duration: 00:06:56
PRAY TOGETHER EACH WEEKEND - You are cordially invited to join folks across the USA & around the world in this soothing & relaxing guided prayer experience each weekend or as the Spirit leads, from wherever you are. Invite your church, prayer group, cell ministry, & loved ones to meet us in Spirit here. Feel free to leave your Lighthouse encouragement, prayers & comments as you pass through each week.
PREVIEW OR PURCHASE THIS PRAYER: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/annmwolf5
FACEBOOK PAGE "LIKE & SHARE": The Lighthouse Prayer & Principles/Ann Wolf: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Lighthouse-Prayer-PrinciplesAnn-Wolf/278892605480077?fref=ts
LISTEN & READ "THE LIGHTHOUSE PRAYER": https://www.annwolfmusic.org/2015/08/the-lighthouse-prayer/
ARTIST/CHAPLAIN INFORMATION: (Re: Ann M. Wolf) - Please see WEBSITE: https://www.annwolfmusic.org/about/
MUSIC STORE: http://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/AnnMWolf
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT ALL ANN WOLF YOUTUBE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/user/AnnWolfMusic/playlists
MUSIC ARRANGED & PRODUCED BY: http://www.tracycollinsmusic.com/
FREE NEWSLETTER SIGN UP: http://annmwolf.com/index/
The song is "Nothing That Compares" - Available on the CD, "Remember Me"
by Ann M. Wolf: http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/annmwolf2/from/AnnWolfMusic
NOTE: This Video is offer for the purpose of inspiration & education; images & music are either original by Ann M. Wolf or are used by permission, by license, with some images having been obtained from (what the artist believes) are public domain sites. Please advise if any images require additional licenses or permissions. Thank you.