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About Ann M. Wolf: She is a Multi-lingual Songwriter & Recording Indie Artist that composes & sings in a wide variety of genres, from Blues to Bluegrass; but no matter the style, she always offers a message of Hope, Healing, Unity & Redemption. Read more about Ann's recordings.

Songwriting & Performing: Ann has been writing, recording & performing her own spiritually-based music & narrations for over four decades. She has been a solo or contributing artist on over 20 albums. She has performed in special events, music venues, conferences & honor ceremonies over the years as well as having had the leading roles of Mary & Mary Magdalene in theatrical productions, both in the USA & in Europe. Read more Bio.

A Voice for Freedom: Currently Ann is devoted to composing, writing, speaking & singing about two kinds of Freedom, the first being the Freedom we gain for our soul via our personal relationship with God. The second is Liberty of Life which has been made possible by our Constitution and sustained by those who have served in harm's way from the inception of our nation. Read about Ann's artist/speaker presentations.


SOCIAL MEDIA OPTIONS: Find Direct LINKS to most all of Ann's Social Media Profile Pages on a wide variety of News, Video Streaming, and Social Platforms, including newer sites that promote free speech & no shadow banning or censorship. Read more.

CONTACT ANN: Send Ann a note.

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Location: Walland, TN
Zipcode: 37886
Country: US


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images: 14
youtubes: 33
Songs: 1

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American Legion Riders, HOW THE MASSIVE MOVEMENT BEGAN with ALR Founders, Tramp & Polka Bill

Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Duration: 00:14:51
ABOUT VIDEO: Bikers & American Legion officers Tramp & Polka Bill never imagined that their initial founding group of 19 members in Garden City, Michigan, would explode into a national movement, crossing all states lines and even reaching into other countries. From a private conversation at the Legion Post in Michigan over two decades ago, to today, they have seen the development of a massive organization with now, over 200,000 members. They have seen an American force of patriotism and public service rise up all across the nation, adding strength to their local American Legions Posts and contributing as well to their communities in a wide variety of ways. The story is FASCINATING and the two guest speakers are humble and very enjoyable to watch as they share their journey.

Chuck Dare (Tramp) – Vietnam War Era Veteran
& Bill Kaledas – Vietnam War Era Veteran
Both are currently serving as officers in their local American Legion Posts.

Video footage, images & edits are by Ann M. Wolf & charity ride image is by Sue Dauber. Harley Soundtrack is by Nick Peeters & Rock Soundtrack is by Scott Holmes

Additional Acknowledgements: Special thanks to our contributors & also to Post 13 in Maryville, TN as well as Post 42 in Gatesville, Texas for hosting many of the events seen in the images.

Contact Info:
For more info regarding American Legion Riders:

For more videos like this,
Ann M. Wolf - A Voice for Freedom

Original musical, photographic & literary content by Ann M. Wolf
is protected under copyright law. All rights reserved. Ann M. Wolf © 2021, BMI

Disclosure: This video was not commissioned by American Legion, but is a work of love shared by member, Ann M. Wolf, for the purpose of education & inspiration.

Ann M. Wolf - Songwriter & Recording Artist - A Voice for Freedom
American Legion Aux & Riders since 2012 - Read more:


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