A Christian that finds Calvinism offensive and unBiblical.
images: 63
Memes showing the unBiblical irrationality of Calvinism.
Manichean fatalism entered Christianity through Augustine and was later adopted by Calvin. Through his influence, a pagan philosophy of rigid determinism thus became entrenched in Protestant theology. It was not until Jacobus Arminius and later Wesley did this doctrinal error become overturned.
When pagan fatalism is held to be true and then read into scripture, the resulting doctrine is ugly, making a monster out of God. Calvin's horrible decree makes God the author of sin, yet that is flatly denied by Calvinists. Their arguments drip with philosophical subtlety, such that God is the cause of ALL things, including sin, yet not responsible for sin.
By denying the true libertarian freedom of choice God granted to man, they make God the cause of every evil men choose to do. Slippery semantics and deceptive devices such as compatibilism and first cause arguments, allow intellectualism to not only supplant truth but to actually vilify God.
Manichean fatalism entered Christianity through Augustine and was later adopted by Calvin. Through his influence, a pagan philosophy of rigid determinism thus became entrenched in Protestant theology. It was not until Jacobus Arminius and later Wesley did this doctrinal error become overturned.
When pagan fatalism is held to be true and then read into scripture, the resulting doctrine is ugly, making a monster out of God. Calvin's horrible decree makes God the author of sin, yet that is flatly denied by Calvinists. Their arguments drip with philosophical subtlety, such that God is the cause of ALL things, including sin, yet not responsible for sin.
By denying the true libertarian freedom of choice God granted to man, they make God the cause of every evil men choose to do. Slippery semantics and deceptive devices such as compatibilism and first cause arguments, allow intellectualism to not only supplant truth but to actually vilify God.