Born Again Saved In Christ


We are a Contemporary Band that ministers in song and the word of God. Our vision and ministry is to win the lost for God's kingdom. Our pray is that many will be blessed and the lost saved through gospel of Christ whether in song's or through the preached word of God. Pray for us as we continue to lift up the name of Jesus.




Songs: 4

We Can Do Better

album: Heaven
genre: Contemporary Gospel
streams: 57
audio file: mp3, 3.8MB, 00:04:07
 We Can Do Better
Donna Hise
06/14/15 09:46:56PM @donna-hise-donnasmusicqk-deejaniccag:

The Spirit of the Lord is Here. I think you got something with this song. Good luck -djG

Born Again Saved In Christ
06/24/15 10:06:26PM @born-again-saved-in-christ:

Thank you my sister in the Lord. We are new on this site and its an honor to our sisters and brothers support us. If we can be of Help to you lets us know.



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