Great Is The Lord and Greatly To Be Praised. Great Is The Lord and Greatly To Be Praised Now. Now to Him who is able to do, far more abundantly beyond all that we ask, and beyond all that we ask or think according to his power that is working in us. I'm so glad I know the Lord, He has done Great Things for us, most worthy of praise. Great Is The Lord and Greatly to Be Praised Now. Great Is The Lord, I Praise God Greatly! The Lord Is gracious and full of compassion. He's slow to anger, he's full of great mercy. The Lord Preserveth all of them that love Him. He's good to everyone, Grace and Mercy. Greatly Praise Him, Greatly Praise Him. Help me to praise Him, lets lift Him up, Greatly Praise Him. I'm gonna praise Him, Greatly praise Him. My mouth shall speak the Praise of the Lord. Oh, I'm so glad I know the Lord, he has done Great Things for me. I'm so glad I know the Lord, Waymaker and Deliverer.