

I love Jesus Christ and his children!!!


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Happy Mother's Day!

user image 2011-05-08
By: Cary
Posted in:

Souls For Christ Ministries


May 8, 2011

"As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. And when ye see this your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like a herb:" Isaiah 66:13, 14a

How many know that one of the best times in life is when you're mother is with you? A mother brings joy and comfort, she consoles us when we hurt and a mother is a deep well of wisdom that counsels us when we are confused. How invaluable is our mother? As a mother comforts her children, Jesus will comfort us. 2Corinthians 1:4 reads, "Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God." As children when we fall and scrape our knee our mother is there to hold us while we cry, our mother is their when we are in pain, she wraps her heart around our heart and cries with us and encourages us to keep going, to get back on the bicycle and ride. Our mother counsels us at the fork in the road about which way to go, straight from God she has been given a wisdom that loves while she counsels. A mother's love is a true love. And for those who have not had the blessing of having their mother's love, Jesus has become your mother, he wraps his heart around yours to comfort you and to share your hurts and sufferings. He counsels you at the fork in the road and leads you with love in the way you should go. He is the God of all comfort and counsel! He loves the fatherless and motherless and takes the place where the void of a parent is present. For some people Mother's Day or Father's Day is a difficult day, but if we will allow Jesus to comfort us then we will comfort all others just as our mother has.

Today on Mothers Day give your mother love for the comfort that she has brought to your life and if for some reason that is not possible, give Jesus praise because he comforts you! 

Jean Winter
05/08/11 02:15:17PM @jean-winter:

Well said Cary.  God Bless.


Jean Winter
05/08/11 02:15:17PM @jean-winter:

Well said Cary.  God Bless.



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