

I love Jesus Christ and his children!!!


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The Proven Formula!

user image 2011-04-30
By: Cary
Posted in:

   Souls For Christ Ministries


April 30, 2011

"Let the people praise thee, O God, let all the people praise thee. Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us." Psalm 67:5,6


Let's suppose you have recently placed your children on some type of punishment for breaking the rules or not doing their chores. How long do you think that you could withhold good things from your son(s) or daughter(s) if during their punishment, they continually begin to compliment you and honor you and express their sincere admiration for how well you train them and instruct them in the ways of righteousness? What if they came to you every morning and told you how great you really are and how much they appreciate all that you do for them? What! Really this could happen! Cmon! Ok, so what if it did happen this way? If you were given a bonus in your pay at work would you plan a special event for them because they have made you proud, or if you had some extra time in the day would you make plans to spend it with them blessing them with your love? Yes, of course! The point here is, there is a proven formula that will move God to bless us. If we follow the example that are children have set for us in this scenario, then we will also be blessed by God and share in the earth's increase as we show our appreciation for Him and as we praise Him for His goodness to us!


Cause and Effect is something that Thomas Aquinas mentioned in his Christian Classic, "Summa Theologica", but it is really so simple, if we cause our hearts and voices to appreciate God through praise, the effect will be that we will be blessed and our land will yield it's increase, but if we complain and withhold praise from God then we will receive nothing! Give praise to God today!


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