Country: US
What is your job!
March 28, 2011
"Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall: for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2Peter 1:10,11
Our Lord, our God is so specific and so exact that He has identified who you are and what you shall be. This is called our vocation or employment for God and the Kingdom of Heaven, and before we go any further in explanation, let it be established that these specifics cannot be taken away! As it reads in Romans 11:29 "For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance." In other words if you were made to be and meant to be a mechanic no one can change that, God has determined this already, what we have to do is identify and agree with God and give all diligence or all planning and effort to do exactly what He has determined. If we decide that we don't like this or if we have not yet identified what our calling is, then we will not be effective or as effective as we should be, because we are working in the wrong capacity. We are not being true to ourselves and to what God has made us to be. So, if we are meant to be a mechanic and decide that we would like to be a dancer, we might not be a very good dancer and all the while many repairs are left undone and our happiness and prosperity is affected. So what is your calling? Are you meant to be a nurse, doctor, preacher, teacher, scientist, cook, musician, writer, or any one of the many vocations that are available?
Find out your calling by asking God what He created you to be and put all of your mind, heart, and soul into this calling. When you do this you will never fall and God will aid you in all that you need!