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“Culture of Love” Wins in the Independent Music Awards
The Independent Music Awards is the influential awards programme for independent bands and fans. According to Martin Folkman, the Executive Director of the Awards, the Awards “celebrate artists who follow their own muse and the true music fans who support them.” He adds that “the artists who’ve been honored by the IMAs create some of the best music you may never have heard” . As part of this Award, the music is featured on the Independent Music Awards page at the iTunes Store and on the iTunes Indie Spotlight page. In addition, year long marketing and sales support plus performance opportunities are available to the winners.
Russell released his debut album Culture of Love in March 2009, and continues to enjoy considerable support locally and internationally. In December 2009, he was one of the featured artistes in the Trinidad and Tobago Showcase at the Miami Music Festival.
Russell had this to say on the Award, “I was surprised. It is a good addition to all the accolades for the Album and it is a reminder that this is just the start, as we still have so much more to accomplish. I give thanks to God for the opportunities being created for this Album and for music from Trinidad, for my manager, Erica Ashton, the production team of Cleon Richardson and Keith Kirk and for the creativity and inspiration of Christophe Pierre”.
For additional information on Russell, check out his website at www.russellleonce.com , contact Erica M. B. Ashton at 1 868 468 0063 or email ash4464@gmail.com.
That's great news, please send him congratulations, from all of us at Indie Gospel Artists. God Bless Jean
Congradulations for this award. This is an inspiration to me as an indie artist because it says that even though you are an indie does not mean people are not listening. It also shows through hard work you can be successful in the music world without that major deal that most artist dream about. Keep up the great work and stay encouraged! Be Blessed