collins moris


I am writing to appeal for assistance in the area of study Bible which will be of help to me in my research and studies as well as lesson preparation as a pastor. These Bibles are very expensive her. I need a Dakes Annotated Reference Bible or Thompson Chain reference Bible either one of the two. If you cannot get any of these please send me any study Bible which you know has study aids. I would prefer a King James Version. Bibles cost much here as they are imported not printed here. There are many in our Local church who do not have bibles and cannot afford to buy. I want to specifically make a request for six elderly couples who cannot work and earn money to buy for themselves. They are very devoted. Please on their behalf I request that you send them 12 bibles the very big letters or super large print would be preferable for them because of their sight. Please used bibles would be appreciated if that is what you can afford. Thank for considering this request. And as you help to meet this kingdom need the Lord will bless your finance abundantly. Ecclesiastes 11:1"Cast the bread upon the waters, for thou shall find it after many days". Please send the items through a member’s and we will get them safely. Postal address insured mail P.O.BOX GPO 5733 AIRPORT ROAD,BENIN CITY,NIGERIA. We will be blessed when we hear from you. I check mail at least thrice a week. In His Service Pastor collins Morris "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." Matthew 24:13-14



Location: Edo state
Country: NG


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