I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.
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Blogs: 60
"They have no reason to fear that have God with them."
"Nothing is more effectual to embolden men, and put spirit into them, than to be sure that God is with them and fights for them."
"A believing confidence in God will raise us above the prevailing fear of man."
"We reproach our leader if we follow Him trembling." - all of the above quotes from Matthew Henry
"What God had promised. The Lord your God He shall fight for you; and that cause cannot but be victorious which the Lord of hosts fights for. If God be for us, who can be against us so as to prevail? "
"Let the good subjects and soldiers of Jesus Christ rest thus upon His word, and boldly say, Since God is for us, who can be against us?"
- both quotes from Matthew Henry
Deuteronomy 20:2-4 says - "And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people, And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them. For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."
It is recorded by the Jewish writers that a certain priest - called the war priest - was appointed by a special ceremony to accompany and animate the army when going into battle. According to the rabbis, he was called - "The Anointed Of The War." His job was to speak to the soldiers at the time of war. Twice did he speak to them - once in a book before setting out into battle, inquiring - "What man is there?" - and then when they set themselves in battle array, he verbally proclaimed to them - "Fear Not."
"Hear, O Israel" - Speaking in the Hebrew language, this war priest called for the warriors' attention.
"...ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies..." - The battle is near at hand, and they are ready to march.
"...let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them..." - These words were meant to animate the army against the fears which would arise due to the strength, numbers, or appearance of the enemy. The kings of the nations would intentionally attempt to instill terror into the hearts of their enemies. They would do this by shaking their shields - clashing them one against the other...prancing their horses - making them neigh and causing the noise of their hoofs to be heard...as well as shouting with their voices and blowing their trumpets. In the midst of all this clamor, it was the job of the war priest to address the warriors and infuse courage into them. They were told that they should not - let their hearts faint at the neighing of the horses or at the sight of the brightness of the opposing armies' swords...fear at the sound of the clashing of the shields...or tremble or be terrified at the sound of the trumpets or the voice of shouting.
"...For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you" - According to the Jewish writers, the ark of the covenant - symbolizing God's Divine Presence - was always taken into the field of combat. The war priest drew the soldiers' attention to the fact that they were not alone. God was with them to not only save them from their enemies but to give them victory over them as well. Hence, they had no reason to fear nor be dismayed - to tremble, be fainthearted, or be terrified.
Tradition has it that after the war priest stood in an high place and spoke to the troops in the Hebrew language, saying - "...Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them. For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you" - then another priest under him would cause his words to be heard by all of the people in the camp. He repeated what "The Anointed Of The War" said - expressing it with a loud, booming voice so that all might hear.
This second priest seems to be an emblem of all minsters of the Gospel - whose business is to hear what "The Anointed Of The War" is saying - and then to repeat His words to all of the people. His job is to encourage God's people to fight the Lord's battles against sin, Satan, and the world and not to cower before their enemies.
As God's minister, I have heard a word from "The Anointed Of The War." He is speaking to all of His people who are facing great spiritual battles at this time in their lives. His word of strength, animation, and encouragement can be found in the following Scriptures -
Deuteronomy 1:30 says - "The LORD your God Which goeth before you, He shall fight for you, according to all that He did for you in Egypt before your eyes."
Deuteronomy 3:22 says - "Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God He shall fight for you."
2 Chronicles 32:8 says - "With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles..."
Nehemiah 4:20 says - "...our God shall fight for us."
The Word of the Lord will fight for you. Though your enemies be greater and taller, know that your God is Higher than the Highest. Though it may seem that you are surrounded by walls that reach up into the heavens, your God's throne is in the heavens and at His command, all walls - hindering your progress - must come crashing down. Though man and the devil are fiercely battling against your life, marriage, family, ministry, job, or church - be assured of this one thing - with them is "an arm of flesh" but with you is the Lord God Almighty Who has the host of heaven at His command...Whose power is irresistible...and Whose promise is secure and sure. He will help you...fight your battles... and give you the victory over all of your enemies.
"...Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them. For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."
God is saying to you this day - "Fear Not!...You are not alone in this battle!... Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord with you this day!"
In 2 Chronicles 32:8, it is said - "...And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah."
What were the words of Hezekiah?
"With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles...."
How did the people react to these words?
"...And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah."
In other words, they leaned on the strength and power of the Lord God Whom Hezekiah assured them was on their side. They believed what he said to be true.
"The Anointed Of The War" - none other than the Lord Jesus Himself - has a word for you today as you set yourself to battle the enemy of your soul - "...Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them. For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."
As the Lord's minister, I am making His words known to you this day through this message.
What is required is that you "rest" yourself on the Word of the Lord to you today.
Don't ever forget - "...The Lord your God He shall fight for you; and that cause cannot but be victorious which the Lord of hosts fights for. If God be for us, who can be against us so as to prevail? " "Let the good subjects and soldiers of Jesus Christ rest thus upon His word, and boldly say, Since God is for us, who can be against us?"
May God Bless His Word,
© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Daily Bible Message at - connie@walkingintruth.org.
Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138
"Nothing is more effectual to embolden men, and put spirit into them, than to be sure that God is with them and fights for them."
"A believing confidence in God will raise us above the prevailing fear of man."
"We reproach our leader if we follow Him trembling." - all of the above quotes from Matthew Henry
"What God had promised. The Lord your God He shall fight for you; and that cause cannot but be victorious which the Lord of hosts fights for. If God be for us, who can be against us so as to prevail? "
"Let the good subjects and soldiers of Jesus Christ rest thus upon His word, and boldly say, Since God is for us, who can be against us?"
- both quotes from Matthew Henry
Deuteronomy 20:2-4 says - "And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people, And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them. For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."
It is recorded by the Jewish writers that a certain priest - called the war priest - was appointed by a special ceremony to accompany and animate the army when going into battle. According to the rabbis, he was called - "The Anointed Of The War." His job was to speak to the soldiers at the time of war. Twice did he speak to them - once in a book before setting out into battle, inquiring - "What man is there?" - and then when they set themselves in battle array, he verbally proclaimed to them - "Fear Not."
"Hear, O Israel" - Speaking in the Hebrew language, this war priest called for the warriors' attention.
"...ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies..." - The battle is near at hand, and they are ready to march.
"...let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them..." - These words were meant to animate the army against the fears which would arise due to the strength, numbers, or appearance of the enemy. The kings of the nations would intentionally attempt to instill terror into the hearts of their enemies. They would do this by shaking their shields - clashing them one against the other...prancing their horses - making them neigh and causing the noise of their hoofs to be heard...as well as shouting with their voices and blowing their trumpets. In the midst of all this clamor, it was the job of the war priest to address the warriors and infuse courage into them. They were told that they should not - let their hearts faint at the neighing of the horses or at the sight of the brightness of the opposing armies' swords...fear at the sound of the clashing of the shields...or tremble or be terrified at the sound of the trumpets or the voice of shouting.
"...For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you" - According to the Jewish writers, the ark of the covenant - symbolizing God's Divine Presence - was always taken into the field of combat. The war priest drew the soldiers' attention to the fact that they were not alone. God was with them to not only save them from their enemies but to give them victory over them as well. Hence, they had no reason to fear nor be dismayed - to tremble, be fainthearted, or be terrified.
Tradition has it that after the war priest stood in an high place and spoke to the troops in the Hebrew language, saying - "...Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them. For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you" - then another priest under him would cause his words to be heard by all of the people in the camp. He repeated what "The Anointed Of The War" said - expressing it with a loud, booming voice so that all might hear.
This second priest seems to be an emblem of all minsters of the Gospel - whose business is to hear what "The Anointed Of The War" is saying - and then to repeat His words to all of the people. His job is to encourage God's people to fight the Lord's battles against sin, Satan, and the world and not to cower before their enemies.
As God's minister, I have heard a word from "The Anointed Of The War." He is speaking to all of His people who are facing great spiritual battles at this time in their lives. His word of strength, animation, and encouragement can be found in the following Scriptures -
Deuteronomy 1:30 says - "The LORD your God Which goeth before you, He shall fight for you, according to all that He did for you in Egypt before your eyes."
Deuteronomy 3:22 says - "Ye shall not fear them: for the LORD your God He shall fight for you."
2 Chronicles 32:8 says - "With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles..."
Nehemiah 4:20 says - "...our God shall fight for us."
The Word of the Lord will fight for you. Though your enemies be greater and taller, know that your God is Higher than the Highest. Though it may seem that you are surrounded by walls that reach up into the heavens, your God's throne is in the heavens and at His command, all walls - hindering your progress - must come crashing down. Though man and the devil are fiercely battling against your life, marriage, family, ministry, job, or church - be assured of this one thing - with them is "an arm of flesh" but with you is the Lord God Almighty Who has the host of heaven at His command...Whose power is irresistible...and Whose promise is secure and sure. He will help you...fight your battles... and give you the victory over all of your enemies.
"...Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them. For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."
God is saying to you this day - "Fear Not!...You are not alone in this battle!... Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord with you this day!"
In 2 Chronicles 32:8, it is said - "...And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah."
What were the words of Hezekiah?
"With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God to help us, and to fight our battles...."
How did the people react to these words?
"...And the people rested themselves upon the words of Hezekiah king of Judah."
In other words, they leaned on the strength and power of the Lord God Whom Hezekiah assured them was on their side. They believed what he said to be true.
"The Anointed Of The War" - none other than the Lord Jesus Himself - has a word for you today as you set yourself to battle the enemy of your soul - "...Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them. For the LORD your God is He that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you."
As the Lord's minister, I am making His words known to you this day through this message.
What is required is that you "rest" yourself on the Word of the Lord to you today.
Don't ever forget - "...The Lord your God He shall fight for you; and that cause cannot but be victorious which the Lord of hosts fights for. If God be for us, who can be against us so as to prevail? " "Let the good subjects and soldiers of Jesus Christ rest thus upon His word, and boldly say, Since God is for us, who can be against us?"
May God Bless His Word,
© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Daily Bible Message at - connie@walkingintruth.org.
Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138
Well written Connie God Bless Jean
Well written Connie God Bless Jean