Connie Giordano


I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.


Location: Duncanville, TX
Zipcode: 75137
Country: US


Blogs: 60


user image 2009-09-29
By: Connie Giordano
Posted in:
"As bad as things are getting in this wicked world in which we live, I believe that we are going to have to hold on to the promises of God like never before." - Carl Giordano

Some of you reading this message are facing hard times in your life. Your faith is being sorely tested at this point. You desperately need a Miracle from God!

Here is a message written by my husband Carl that is guaranteed to lift your faith. It will center your focus back on the Lord Jesus - the God of the Impossible!

Never forget - "...for with God all things are possible!" (Mark 10:27)

You may not see a way out of your troubles, but He does. Trust Him today for He is "...the Way, the Truth, and the Life..." (John 14:6).

Let the title of this message be your confession in the face of all your impossibilities, fears, and doubts. No matter what your need may be, look the devil square in the eye and say - "MY GOD SHALL SUPPLY..."

Have a BLESSED DAY in Jesus,


My God Shall Supply...

by Carl Giordano


"But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." -- Philippians 4:19


Here, in our text, we find God telling us, through His apostle( Paul ), that He will indeed supply our each and every need---

...." my God shall supply all your need "...

As bad as things are getting in this wicked world in which we live, I believe that we are going to have to hold on to the promises of God like never before. If you, dear reader, are a true blue, Blood washed, born again child of the Living God, then ALL the PROMISES of THE BOOK ( Holy Bible ) are yours to stand on and claim as your very own.

I remember, thirty six years ago, when I got saved, we used to sing these words---

"Every promise in The Book is mine
Every chapter, every verse, every line
Well, I'm trusting in His Word doing fine
Every promise in The Book is mine "

Just as I penned the words of that little jingle above, I was reminded of the following true story---

A certain Evangelist was preaching to thousands in a large coliseum. He finished his message, gave the altar call, and was concluding the service. Then it was, that a young lady stepped forward, out of the crowd around the altar, and she was weeping profusely. The Evangelist stopped everything and went to her side. He asked her what he could do for her and how he could help. With tears running down her face, this young lady told the Evangelist the following story---

"Preacher, I was raised in a Christian home. Oh, how my parents loved me and brought me up in the fear and admonition of the Lord. We had a wonderful home, full of love and the presence of God, always. Then came the day that I graduated from High School and went off to College. I tried to live my Christian faith at College, and at first everything was fine. But, slowly but surely, the professors of my classes wore away my confidence in the Bible. These 'teachers' constantly challenged Christianity and the Bible. At first, I resisted their arguments against the Bible; but over time, I weakened and their arguments made more and more sense as I grew weaker in my Faith.

Finally, I gave in and gave up my faith in God and in His Bible. Now, I came to this meeting to listen to what you had to say. Preacher! I want to believe! But, I can't! I feel this presence of something here in this place, and I feel overwhelmed by love; and yet I feel this hardness in my heart. Ever since I renounced Christianity, and gave up my belief in Jesus, I feel absolutely nothing but hardness. I want to believe again, but, I just cannot. My parents have been heartbroken over my renunciation of Jesus and the Bible. They are praying hard for me....yet, I just cannot believe in the Bible that I once loved. "

The Evangelist stood stunned. He did not know what to say, or what to do. He stood there silently praying and waiting on God for something to say to this young lady. He stood there, in front of her, and waited. She was weeping uncontrollably.

Finally, God spoke to the Evangelist and told him exactly what to do. The Evangelist went to the pulpit and retrieved his Bible. He stood before the young lady as she was trembling and weeping. He bent over and placed his Bible on the floor in front of her and then calmed her down enough to talk to her.

He said---"Honey, I want you to stand on that Bible."

The young lady, wiping tears from her eyes, said--- "Oh Preacher! I could never do that ! I may no longer believe the Bible, but I could never dishonor it by stepping on it with my dirty shoes. Why would you ask me to do such a thing?!"

The Evangelist said---"Just trust me. Place both your feet upon that Bible, on the floor, and stand on it."

Now, the young lady was trembling and weeping again. She looked down at the Bible on the floor, looked up at the Evangelist and cried out---"I can't! Don't ask me to do such a thing! "

The Evangelist said--- "Honey, trust me."

Now, weeping, and trembling from head to toe, the young lady lifted one foot and placed it on the Bible. She looked at the Evangelist again and with agony cried out--- " Oh! I just cannot do this!"

Then she placed her other foot on the Bible and stood up on it. Suddenly, just then, the POWER of GOD hit her in the top of her head, and the SPIRIT of GOD flowed into her and all through her and she cried out with great tears--- "Oh !!! I believe !!!!!! I believe in JESUS and I believe in His BIBLE !!!!!!! "

The Spirit of God, in one moment of time, broke all unbelief and hardness off of this young lady's heart and life and she went on and served God with great joy from that day forward.

The Evangelist told that young lady that she was going to have to stand upon the Word of God. I'm telling you, today, dear reader, that--- WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO STAND UPON THE WORD OF THE LIVING GOD! We are going to have to STAND upon THE WORD. Not with our feet, but, with ALL OF OUR HEART! God was telling that young lady "STAND ON MY WORD - NOT THE LYING WORDS OF MAN AND THE DEVIL . "

And, Our Heavenly Father and Commander In Chief tells us----

..."having done all, to STAND. STAND therefore" ...Ephesians 6:13,14

Jesus said-- "Have Faith In God" -- Mark 11:22

In our text, from Philippians 4:19, we are told that-- "GOD SHALL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEED."

Either He will or He won't. Which are you going to believe? Man, the Devil, and demonic lying thoughts of doubt and unbelief may scream---"HE WON'T!"

Almighty God, by the "still small voice" of His Word and His Spirit, calmly and gently says to you---"I will."

The Triune Godhead asks--- "Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?" --- Isaiah 53:1

The LORD Jesus asks--- .. "when the Son of man cometh shall He find faith on the earth?" --- Luke 18:8


Is your Mortgage payment due and you have NOTHING to pay it with?! Good News !!! Go back and "read all about it" in the words of our text from Philippians 4:19! Indeed, start in Genesis and go through all the way to Revelation and CLAIM AND STAND UPON ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD !

Whether it's a mortgage payment or payments due, or rent, or doctor & hospital bills, or NO JOB---you can rest assured today, by simply standing square upon the Word of The Living God.

"For ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD in Him ( Jesus ) are yea, and in Him ( Jesus ) Amen...2nd Corinthians 1:20

Maybe your particular NEED could be listed under the heading---"None of the above". I haven't even touched upon your particular NEED. That's ok, because whether or not I mention it in this message---GOD KNOWS ALL ABOUT IT.

Your HEAVENLY FATHER knows all about your EACH and EVERY NEED.

And He is the one that made and stands behind all of His PROMISES.

Remember this---God will ALWAYS meet your each and every NEED, somehow, someway.

I close with another true story----

A little CHRISTIAN widow woman lived next door to a man who was an ATHEIST. This man was nice enough. He always came over to check on the little widow woman to make sure she was ok and to see if she needed any help of any kind. But, he was a royal pain in the neck, in the sense that he would always mock this little Christian widow woman every time she would mention Jesus, the Bible, or tell him any testimony of the Lord's provision for her.

One day, the ATHEIST walked over to see if the little widow needed anything. As he was walking across her lawn, he noticed that her window was open, and he could hear her PRAYING inside. He smiled to himself, and snuck up underneath the open window in order to listen in on her PRAYERS.

Just as he arrived beneath her window, he heard the widow praying--- "Oh Lord, you know I NEED some groceries. I don't have any food, Lord......"

The ATHEIST, hearing this prayer, had an idea light up like a light bulb in his mind. He thought to himself--- "I'll show her that there is no God to hear and answer her prayers."

With that, he snuck off, back to his house, got his car keys, and was off to the grocery store.

Soon Mr. Atheist was back. It was now dark outside. He snuck slowly back across the widow woman's lawn to her front door.

He made several, stealth-like trips, back and forth from his car, bringing many bags of groceries and placed them all on the little widow's front porch. Then with his hand over his mouth, to keep from laughing, he knocked LOUDLY on the widow's front door.

Then he quickly jumped in the front bushes to hide. The little widow woman came, turned the porch light on, opened the door, and saw all the bags of groceries stacked on her front porch! She could not contain herself! She began to SHOUT and PRAISE GOD!

With that--OUT JUMPED THE ATHEIST FROM THE BUSHES!!! He began to point at the little widow as he laughed and mocked! Now, the little widow stood there quite perturbed, and annoyed once again, by her ATHEIST friend.

She asked-- "And just what do you think you are laughing at?!"

Her ATHEIST neighbor now explained to her that he had heard her PRAYING, earlier that day, and that-- "GOD DID NOT ANSWER YOUR PRAYER. THERE IS NO GOD! I ANSWERED YOUR PRAYER BECAUSE I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT HEARD IT! " Haw ! Haw !! Haw !!! He laughed and laughed and laughed some more.

But, as he was laughing, he couldn't help but notice that the little widow woman was, now, not just PRAISING God; she, now, was doing a little jig as she danced all over the front porch and all around the groceries. She was even more ecstatic now as she thanked and praised God!

The ATHEIST was befuddled and stopped laughing and asked the widow--- "What are you so happy about?! I just told you that I BROUGHT THE GROCERIES--NOT GOD--YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME! "

With that, the little widow woman stopped and looked her ATHEIST friend right in the eyes. All was now quiet. Then she spoke.

With tears of great JOY running down her face, she exclaimed---

"Oh YES! My God HEARS and ANSWERS PRAYER! Not only did He HEAR and ANSWER my prayer for GROCERIES --- But he made the DEVIL deliver them to my front door!"

"But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." -- Philippians 4:19

May God Bless His Word,

© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved

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