I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.
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Here is another message written by my 27 year old son John. This is Part 1 of a 3 Part series.
Are there things in your life that you keep putting off for tomorrow - things like getting right with God or fulfilling the call that God has placed on your life?
Perhaps you are like Pharaoh in that you know that there are "stinkin" things in your life that are displeasing to the Lord, yet all you can answer Him is by saying - "Tomorrow." Let's deal with these "stinkin things" tomorrow. In other words, you want "ONE MORE NIGHT WITH THE FROGS."
I pray for every one reading this message that Holy Spirit will shine His spotlight on any and all "frogs" that you are allowing in your life - yes, even for "one more night." May He give you the grace to say - "Enough is enough!" These things have to go - NOW!
"...now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Not one of us is promised tomorrow!
Obey God NOW!!!
Be blessed as you read this word from the Lord for you today!
3 Sayings From Pharaoh - How They Apply To Your Life
John Giordano
In Exodus 8:1-15, we find the story of God's judgment on Pharaoh and his people - through a plague of frogs. This plague was so extensive that the frogs were in the Egyptian's houses, beds, ovens, and kneading troughs. The frogs were also upon all the people and all the land (8:3-4). Because of the severity of this judgment, Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and temporarily humbled himself. He told them that he would let the people of God (the Israelites) leave Egypt if they (Moses and Aaron) would pray to their God to have the frogs eradicated from the land of Egypt (8:8). But then Pharaoh made a puzzling statement. As Moses was about to leave the palace, he told Pharaoh:
"...I leave to you the honor of setting the time for me to pray for you and your officials and your people that you and your houses may be rid of the frogs, except for those that remain in the Nile. 'Tomorrow' Pharaoh said. Moses replied, 'It will be as you say...' (Exodus 8:9-10 NIV).
Tomorrow? You would think that Pharaoh would have said to Moses - "Pray for me, my people, and land right now. I want these frogs gone this very hour. Please, hurry, Moses. I'm tired of these jumping reptiles. I can't even sleep at night because they are in my bed. Please, Moses, quickly go and ask God to send these things back to where they came from. Do it right now!"
Instead, Pharaoh told Moses that he should pray for mercy on him and his people "tomorrow."
I believe that Satan loves the word "tomorrow" when it comes to the things of God. How many people who have determined to seek God tomorrow and get right with God tomorrow, have died before tomorrow ever came? Or how many Christians have determined to do something for God tomorrow while souls went to Hell today?
In Acts 24:24-25, we find Paul being tried before Felix (for Paul's message of Jesus being the only Way). Verse 25 states - "And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee."
In other words, Felix was saying, "Tomorrow, or some other time I'll hear you. I don't want to feel this conviction of sin today. I'm not ready to get right with God and do what I know is right. But, when I find a good time for the message of the Gospel in my life, I'll call for you, Paul."
What Felix didn't realize was that he had an opportunity to be taught by one of God's greatest theologians and generals of the faith and rejected it.
How many of us today would give anything for the Apostle Paul to come back and teach us face to face? Yet when Felix had the chance, he blew it because Satan had convinced him - just like Pharaoh - that tomorrow was a better time to get things right with God.
Maybe today you are reading this message and you're putting off the things of God until tomorrow. Maybe you're away from God and you know it. It's eating you up. It's destroying your life. Yet you still, like Pharaoh, want to spend one more night with the frogs. Sin still has its appeal to you; and, although the judgment of God is all around you, you still put off making peace with God until tomorrow.
Please, sir, please ma'am, don't put off the things of God any longer. Come to Jesus today while He is still calling you. You don't have to be under God's wrath and condemnation for your sins. You can experience God's love and mercy today. Just surrender to Him today!
Christian, if God has spoken to you about a work that you are to do for Him, don't put it off until tomorrow. Make plans today. Start preparing today. Let God use you today. Many saints of God have made the mistake of putting off witnessing to someone they came in contact with - only to find that when they went to witness to them later, the person was dead.
Don't put off Bible reading or prayer until tomorrow! That's the biggest way that Satan deceives Christians. He gets them to slip up on their daily time with the Lord by promising: "Tomorrow, you can read the Bible more. You'll have hours to pray tomorrow. But today you are just too busy." The ones that listen to this lie often end up going days, weeks, or months without communing with God. Then they wonder why they become easily entangled in sin or don't feel the nearness of God's Spirit as they used to.
Psalm 32:6 gives a wonderful promise for those who seek God and cultivate their relationships with Him today.
"For this shall every one that is godly pray unto Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him."
In other words, God promises that, for those who seek Him today when He is calling, they will be protected from the storms of life. When others' faith is shipwrecked and blown out to sea, those who have not put off seeking God will rise above the waves. The same calamities and destructions that have others running scared in panic will not touch those that have done business with God on their knees, in the Word, and in prayer.
There are some things that can wait until tomorrow. But God is not one of them. Make the Lord Jesus first priority in your life. In this way, you will experience His blessings and favor. God has promised - "...Them that honor Me I will honor..." (1 Samuel 2:30). Honor Him with your time and talents today and watch how He rewards you.
May God Bless His Word,
© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org.
Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138
Are there things in your life that you keep putting off for tomorrow - things like getting right with God or fulfilling the call that God has placed on your life?
Perhaps you are like Pharaoh in that you know that there are "stinkin" things in your life that are displeasing to the Lord, yet all you can answer Him is by saying - "Tomorrow." Let's deal with these "stinkin things" tomorrow. In other words, you want "ONE MORE NIGHT WITH THE FROGS."
I pray for every one reading this message that Holy Spirit will shine His spotlight on any and all "frogs" that you are allowing in your life - yes, even for "one more night." May He give you the grace to say - "Enough is enough!" These things have to go - NOW!
"...now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation" (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Not one of us is promised tomorrow!
Obey God NOW!!!
Be blessed as you read this word from the Lord for you today!
3 Sayings From Pharaoh - How They Apply To Your Life
John Giordano
In Exodus 8:1-15, we find the story of God's judgment on Pharaoh and his people - through a plague of frogs. This plague was so extensive that the frogs were in the Egyptian's houses, beds, ovens, and kneading troughs. The frogs were also upon all the people and all the land (8:3-4). Because of the severity of this judgment, Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and temporarily humbled himself. He told them that he would let the people of God (the Israelites) leave Egypt if they (Moses and Aaron) would pray to their God to have the frogs eradicated from the land of Egypt (8:8). But then Pharaoh made a puzzling statement. As Moses was about to leave the palace, he told Pharaoh:
"...I leave to you the honor of setting the time for me to pray for you and your officials and your people that you and your houses may be rid of the frogs, except for those that remain in the Nile. 'Tomorrow' Pharaoh said. Moses replied, 'It will be as you say...' (Exodus 8:9-10 NIV).
Tomorrow? You would think that Pharaoh would have said to Moses - "Pray for me, my people, and land right now. I want these frogs gone this very hour. Please, hurry, Moses. I'm tired of these jumping reptiles. I can't even sleep at night because they are in my bed. Please, Moses, quickly go and ask God to send these things back to where they came from. Do it right now!"
Instead, Pharaoh told Moses that he should pray for mercy on him and his people "tomorrow."
I believe that Satan loves the word "tomorrow" when it comes to the things of God. How many people who have determined to seek God tomorrow and get right with God tomorrow, have died before tomorrow ever came? Or how many Christians have determined to do something for God tomorrow while souls went to Hell today?
In Acts 24:24-25, we find Paul being tried before Felix (for Paul's message of Jesus being the only Way). Verse 25 states - "And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee."
In other words, Felix was saying, "Tomorrow, or some other time I'll hear you. I don't want to feel this conviction of sin today. I'm not ready to get right with God and do what I know is right. But, when I find a good time for the message of the Gospel in my life, I'll call for you, Paul."
What Felix didn't realize was that he had an opportunity to be taught by one of God's greatest theologians and generals of the faith and rejected it.
How many of us today would give anything for the Apostle Paul to come back and teach us face to face? Yet when Felix had the chance, he blew it because Satan had convinced him - just like Pharaoh - that tomorrow was a better time to get things right with God.
Maybe today you are reading this message and you're putting off the things of God until tomorrow. Maybe you're away from God and you know it. It's eating you up. It's destroying your life. Yet you still, like Pharaoh, want to spend one more night with the frogs. Sin still has its appeal to you; and, although the judgment of God is all around you, you still put off making peace with God until tomorrow.
Please, sir, please ma'am, don't put off the things of God any longer. Come to Jesus today while He is still calling you. You don't have to be under God's wrath and condemnation for your sins. You can experience God's love and mercy today. Just surrender to Him today!
Christian, if God has spoken to you about a work that you are to do for Him, don't put it off until tomorrow. Make plans today. Start preparing today. Let God use you today. Many saints of God have made the mistake of putting off witnessing to someone they came in contact with - only to find that when they went to witness to them later, the person was dead.
Don't put off Bible reading or prayer until tomorrow! That's the biggest way that Satan deceives Christians. He gets them to slip up on their daily time with the Lord by promising: "Tomorrow, you can read the Bible more. You'll have hours to pray tomorrow. But today you are just too busy." The ones that listen to this lie often end up going days, weeks, or months without communing with God. Then they wonder why they become easily entangled in sin or don't feel the nearness of God's Spirit as they used to.
Psalm 32:6 gives a wonderful promise for those who seek God and cultivate their relationships with Him today.
"For this shall every one that is godly pray unto Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him."
In other words, God promises that, for those who seek Him today when He is calling, they will be protected from the storms of life. When others' faith is shipwrecked and blown out to sea, those who have not put off seeking God will rise above the waves. The same calamities and destructions that have others running scared in panic will not touch those that have done business with God on their knees, in the Word, and in prayer.
There are some things that can wait until tomorrow. But God is not one of them. Make the Lord Jesus first priority in your life. In this way, you will experience His blessings and favor. God has promised - "...Them that honor Me I will honor..." (1 Samuel 2:30). Honor Him with your time and talents today and watch how He rewards you.
May God Bless His Word,
© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org.
Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138