I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.
Location: Duncanville, TX
Zipcode: 75137
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Zipcode: 75137
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Blogs: 60
What is "an unhallowed compromise"? Barnes' Notes defines it as "an attempt to blend things together which could not be united. One must really displace the other."
The question is - are you trying to blend something into your life which God is telling you to renounce? You know that you cannot hold onto this belief much longer, but you are afraid of persecution or what it will cost you in the end. It's time to let go! It's time to embrace the "cross of Christ" and allow God to take you to a higher ground in Him!
In Galatians 5:11, we read - "And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offense of the cross ceased."
What we have here is the Apostle Paul being attacked by the Judaizers. They were falsely charging him with preaching circumcision as a part of salvation. The reason being is that they were preaching exactly that in order to avoid any type of persecution from the Jews.
To the Jews, the preaching of the cross - the doctrine of justification and salvation only by faith in Christ crucified - was a stumbling block. Preaching salvation only through the sacrifice of Christ meant that the whole order of Jewish ordinances and rites - including circumcision - was set aside, removed, abolished, done away with, and brought to nought.
The Judaizers - the false teachers at the time - advocated that the law was necessary to justification. They maintained that it was binding upon the Christian. They attempted to mix Judaism with Christianity. They were willing to accept the cross with circumcision, but not the cross instead of circumcision.
They tried to pass the rumor that Paul was preaching circumcision just like they were. They referred to the fact that Timothy - his disciple in Christ - got circumcised. But the Apostle refuted their foolish argument with the question - "...if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution?"
The persecution that he was receiving from the Jews was proof enough that he was against circumcision as a necessary factor in salvation. It was proof indeed that he preached Christ crucified and not the Mosaic law as the sole ground of justification.
As we move over to Galatians 6:12, we find the real reason why the Judaizers clung to the old ways when trying to embrace the new - "As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ."
What did it mean "to make a fair show in the flesh"? It meant that they complied with worldly demands by conforming to external rites, customs, and ceremonies. They were extremely zealous in making converts and inducing them to conform to the old customs - overawing them with threats of hell and damnation if they didn't comply.
This "fair show in the flesh" implied that they did all to be seen of men...sought to gain the applause of or external glory from men... wanted to please carnal men in carnal and fleshly things... and made their religion a mere outward show or pageantry.
In order to avoid any persecution from the Jews, the Judaizers covered the offense of a crucified Messiah with the law. They knew that if they renounced the doctrine which taught that circumcision was necessary for salvation, they would come under the rage of the Jews. So, with a great zeal, they induced others to be circumcised in order to become a Christian.
Paul refused to obscure the glory of the "cross of Christ" - no matter what the cost. Unlike the Judaizers, he was not afraid of persecution nor did he lack any boldness or independence in maintaining that salvation came only as a result of the merits of the Lord Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. He didn't try to blend together the doctrines of Judaism and Christianity. He insisted on an entire dependency on the Blood of Christ and a renouncing of any dependency on the rites and ceremonies of the law.
What does this particular message have to do with you today?
Perhaps there are some who are reading this message who have felt - for the longest time - that God was calling them out of the old beliefs to bring them into the new. You may be a part of a church who is either teaching total error or else trying to fit some error into the Scriptures. It may be that you are a member of a church that has a perverted or distorted view of sin, salvation, holiness, Hell, or judgment to come. Or you may be a part of a group who does not believe in the miraculous for today or any move of the Spirit being possible in this day and age. If they do believe in it - they certainly don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
It is most likely that God has been trying to get your attention because He has so much in store for you. The only thing is - you know that if you leave the old for the new, you are going to encounter persecution.
You may have even tried to do as the Judaizers - incorporate the old into the new - in order to appease all parties and not appear so fanatical or extreme.
How badly do you want to move on with God?
Just how desperate are you for the things that He has for you and your family?
If you stay in the place where you are, you will miss the move of God for your life.
The truth of the matter is - you are more concerned about making "a fair show in the flesh" - of appearing good in the eyes of men than of pleasing God. If you will be real with yourself, you will have to admit that that is the truth!
Anytime that God asks us to move on to a higher level in Him - there will be opposition. We can expect it! Not everyone will be happy with our new position.
But it will be worth it all in the end!
C'mon, Saint of God! Don't allow a little persecution to stand in your way of reaching a plateau in Him that you never dreamed possible.
Let go of what He is telling you to let go of!
Renounce the old and embrace the new!
Walk in the Truth no matter what the cost!
God has great things in store for you!
The only one who can keep you from them is YOU!!!
May God Bless His Word,
© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org.
Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138
The question is - are you trying to blend something into your life which God is telling you to renounce? You know that you cannot hold onto this belief much longer, but you are afraid of persecution or what it will cost you in the end. It's time to let go! It's time to embrace the "cross of Christ" and allow God to take you to a higher ground in Him!
In Galatians 5:11, we read - "And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offense of the cross ceased."
What we have here is the Apostle Paul being attacked by the Judaizers. They were falsely charging him with preaching circumcision as a part of salvation. The reason being is that they were preaching exactly that in order to avoid any type of persecution from the Jews.
To the Jews, the preaching of the cross - the doctrine of justification and salvation only by faith in Christ crucified - was a stumbling block. Preaching salvation only through the sacrifice of Christ meant that the whole order of Jewish ordinances and rites - including circumcision - was set aside, removed, abolished, done away with, and brought to nought.
The Judaizers - the false teachers at the time - advocated that the law was necessary to justification. They maintained that it was binding upon the Christian. They attempted to mix Judaism with Christianity. They were willing to accept the cross with circumcision, but not the cross instead of circumcision.
They tried to pass the rumor that Paul was preaching circumcision just like they were. They referred to the fact that Timothy - his disciple in Christ - got circumcised. But the Apostle refuted their foolish argument with the question - "...if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution?"
The persecution that he was receiving from the Jews was proof enough that he was against circumcision as a necessary factor in salvation. It was proof indeed that he preached Christ crucified and not the Mosaic law as the sole ground of justification.
As we move over to Galatians 6:12, we find the real reason why the Judaizers clung to the old ways when trying to embrace the new - "As many as desire to make a fair show in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ."
What did it mean "to make a fair show in the flesh"? It meant that they complied with worldly demands by conforming to external rites, customs, and ceremonies. They were extremely zealous in making converts and inducing them to conform to the old customs - overawing them with threats of hell and damnation if they didn't comply.
This "fair show in the flesh" implied that they did all to be seen of men...sought to gain the applause of or external glory from men... wanted to please carnal men in carnal and fleshly things... and made their religion a mere outward show or pageantry.
In order to avoid any persecution from the Jews, the Judaizers covered the offense of a crucified Messiah with the law. They knew that if they renounced the doctrine which taught that circumcision was necessary for salvation, they would come under the rage of the Jews. So, with a great zeal, they induced others to be circumcised in order to become a Christian.
Paul refused to obscure the glory of the "cross of Christ" - no matter what the cost. Unlike the Judaizers, he was not afraid of persecution nor did he lack any boldness or independence in maintaining that salvation came only as a result of the merits of the Lord Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. He didn't try to blend together the doctrines of Judaism and Christianity. He insisted on an entire dependency on the Blood of Christ and a renouncing of any dependency on the rites and ceremonies of the law.
What does this particular message have to do with you today?
Perhaps there are some who are reading this message who have felt - for the longest time - that God was calling them out of the old beliefs to bring them into the new. You may be a part of a church who is either teaching total error or else trying to fit some error into the Scriptures. It may be that you are a member of a church that has a perverted or distorted view of sin, salvation, holiness, Hell, or judgment to come. Or you may be a part of a group who does not believe in the miraculous for today or any move of the Spirit being possible in this day and age. If they do believe in it - they certainly don't expect it to happen anytime soon.
It is most likely that God has been trying to get your attention because He has so much in store for you. The only thing is - you know that if you leave the old for the new, you are going to encounter persecution.
You may have even tried to do as the Judaizers - incorporate the old into the new - in order to appease all parties and not appear so fanatical or extreme.
How badly do you want to move on with God?
Just how desperate are you for the things that He has for you and your family?
If you stay in the place where you are, you will miss the move of God for your life.
The truth of the matter is - you are more concerned about making "a fair show in the flesh" - of appearing good in the eyes of men than of pleasing God. If you will be real with yourself, you will have to admit that that is the truth!
Anytime that God asks us to move on to a higher level in Him - there will be opposition. We can expect it! Not everyone will be happy with our new position.
But it will be worth it all in the end!
C'mon, Saint of God! Don't allow a little persecution to stand in your way of reaching a plateau in Him that you never dreamed possible.
Let go of what He is telling you to let go of!
Renounce the old and embrace the new!
Walk in the Truth no matter what the cost!
God has great things in store for you!
The only one who can keep you from them is YOU!!!
May God Bless His Word,
© COPYRIGHT Connie Giordano - All Rights Reserved
Subscribe to Daily Bible Messages at - connie@walkingintruth.org.
Walking In Truth Ministry | P.O. Box 383016 | Duncanville | TX | 75138
Hello Connie. I enjoy your posts. It certainly shows how much you love and are in the Word. Bless you, John
Hello Connie. I enjoy your posts. It certainly shows how much you love and are in the Word. Bless you, John