Connie Giordano


I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.


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Blogs: 60


user image 2009-08-31
By: Connie Giordano
Posted in:
"Hard words indeed break no bones, but many a heart has been broken by them." - Matthew Henry

We live in a world filled with reckless words - cutting, killing, careless, and irresponsible words which are spoken rashly, quickly, hastily, inadvisably, or indiscreetly. The result? There are many broken people who are seeking desperately to function in everyday life and yet cannot seem to move ahead. They look around at others and wonder - What makes me so different? What is holding me back? Why can't I succeed as others? Why is it that I take two steps forward - only to fall back three?

In this message, we would like to use the Word of God to show you that oftentimes the source of the problem can be traced back to some sharp and harsh words which were spoken that cut and maimed the person - disabling him for life.

Proverbs 12:18 tells us - "There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword..."

Could Solomon have chosen a better illustration than this one to depict the effect of thoughtless and rash words? There is no doubt about it - sharp words cut and maim like a sword...rash, careless, and thoughtless words act like sword thrusts...and harsh, angry, and abusive expressions deeply penetrate, wound, and permanently damage as any sword would do.

Proverbs 15:4 mentions - "A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit."

"Perverseness" stands for perverse, twisted, deceitful words... cross, ill-natured language...crooked dealings...a lying tongue... or impure, unchaste, or corrupt language. It is the total opposite of "a wholesome tongue" - which implies language devoid of rudeness or harshness ...gentle and kind well as a peaceable and soothing tongue.

Notice what "perverseness" or cutting words cause?

"a breach in the spirit"

What does that entail?

"A breach in the spirit" can be likened unto a breaking, bruising, crashing, destruction, hurt, or fracture to the spirit. It would be as though someone approached another and broke his foot or hand - maiming him and hindering his progress.

Since we communicate with God through our spirits (John 4:23-24), imagine the tremendous damage that can come to one who is the victim of such harsh and cutting remarks. His spirit immediately becomes "broken." A "breach" is caused. He cannot move ahead in God - no matter how hard he tries. There is a "breach" which acts as an impediment to any form of spiritual progress. There is a break in the spirit as well as a break of the spirit. This person is wounded and maimed and cannot go further - until he is healed of his affliction.

So many of God's people are in this place of "no progress" - and do not realize why. Some where down the road - someone spoke cutting words which pierced like a sword and crushed and broke their spirit. Just as a man with a broken foot is hindered in his walk, even so are these who had been critically wounded.

We want to stop here for a minute to ask ourselves a very important question - Are we responsible for speaking a cutting remark which has impeded the spiritual growth of another? Have we spoken thoughtless and rash remarks - which have penetrated deeply as a sword and wounded an individual whom God happens to loves very dearly?

We would never think of going up to someone and fracturing their foot or hand. Yet, are we responsible for fracturing and crushing another's spirit by our cruel and senseless comments? If we look back on this person, can we see that he or she has struggled through life - year after year - because of our harsh, angry, and "killing" statements?

O Saint of God! What have you done with your words? Have you killed or brought life? Have you helped someone go further in God, or have you impeded their progress?

What does God think about His very own people wounding one another and crippling their spirits for life?

Why not take this moment to get alone with the Lord Jesus? Allow the Holy Spirit to zero in on any incident in the past where you may have cut or maimed another through your senseless and mean remarks. Repent and ask the Lord to forgive you. Then begin to pray for this person that God would "restore health" to him and "heal him of every wound" (Jeremiah 30:17). Pray that he will begin to "soar like an eagle" and grow "by leaps and bounds" spiritually. Don't let up until you know that the Lord has completed the work of healing and restoration.

From this moment onward - as the Body of Christ - let's make a concerted effort to speak with "a wholesome tongue" (Proverbs 15:4) - a tongue which is "a tree of life" - one that brings life rather than destroys it. We want to be His "faithful ambassadors" (Proverbs 13:17) - ambassadors of truth - who keep back nothing profitable from our hearers - speaking sound doctrine which brings healing to the souls of men. We want "the tongue of the wise" (Proverbs 12:18) which steers clear of cutting and hasty remarks and soothes and heals. It comforts, encourages, edifies, and benefits others - closing up the wounds caused by others. We want to be sure to fill our hearts and minds with the Word of God so that we may bring forth "good news" or "a good report" (Proverbs 15:30) which will make our hearers strong...feel encouraged... experience times of refreshing for their spirit, soul, and well as bring prosperity and health.

What is needed at this hour is that which is spoken about in Proverbs 16:24 - "Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." Like honey - these kind, gracious, and well-ordered words will bring strength and healing to all who have been broken in the past by rash words. They will not only restore soundness but preserve and advance it.

We close with a final comment from Pastor Henry - "He that knows how to discourse will make the place he lives in a paradise."

How is it in your home, family, work place, office, ministry, church, etc.? Are you the one who is speaking cutting remarks or the one who is speaking "pleasant an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones"?

Never forget - Mean and hateful comments may not literally break bones, but they do break hearts and spirits - oftentimes causing the wounded to be maimed for life.

May God Bless His Word,

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