Connie Giordano


I am an ordained minister whom the Lord called to teach His Word to His people across the globe. I am also an Evangelist & Intercessor.


Location: Duncanville, TX
Zipcode: 75137
Country: US


Blogs: 60


By Connie Giordano, 2009-10-27
"Sing lustily and with a good courage. Beware of singing as if you were half dead or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength. Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of its being heard, than when you sung the songs of Satan." - John Wesley

"Holy joy is that devout affection which should animate all our praises..."
"Spiritual joy is the heart and soul of thankful praise."
- both quotes are from Matthew Henry

What is this half-dead or half-asleep worship that we hear emanating from the walls of most churches in our land?

In some services, it sounds like the people are ready to have a cardiac arrest. They sound like they are gasping for air as they breathe out their last praise. In others, it sounds like they are at a funeral - mourning the death of their long lost friend. They drag out their song - making it as morbid as possible. Believe me, if you weren't tired or depressed when you came to church that day, you would be...
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By Connie Giordano, 2009-10-28
The consideration of God's universal dominion, and the universal acknowledgment of it, should restrain us from all irreverence in His service.

It is a righteous thing with God to withhold the blessings of grace from those that do not attend the means of grace, to deny the green pastures to those that attend not the shepherd's tents.

Many are crossed, and go backward, in their affairs, and this is at the bottom of it - they do not keep close to the worship of God as they should; they go off from God, and then He walks contrary to them. If we omit or postpone the duties He expects from us, it is just with Him to deny the favours we expect from Him.

- all three quotes are from Matthew Henry

Psalm 10:16 says - "The LORD is King for ever and ever..."
Psalm 47:2 says - "For the LORD most high is terrible; He is a great King over all the earth."
Psalm 47:7 says - "For God is the King of all the earth..."
Psalm 47:8 says - "God reigneth over...
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By Connie Giordano, 2009-10-31
"Faithful ministers of the word are laborious ones..." - John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible
"I laboured more abundantly than they all...This is a sober fact as shown by the Acts and Paul's Epistles. He had tremendous energy and used it. Genius is work, Carlyle said. Take Paul as a specimen." - Robertson's Word Pictures
"We must give account how we have spent our time, how we have improved our opportunities, what we have done and how we have done it." - Matthew Henry

Romans 12:11 says - "Not slothful in business..."
Hebrews 6:11-12 says - " the same diligence...That ye be not slothful..."

Martin Luther spoke these words - "in regard to zeal be not lazy." These words were in keeping with the Holy Scriptures which admonish all believers to not be slow, idle, or destitute of promptness of mind and activity - but rather to be intense, faithful, and industrious in the discharging of their duties. They are to value their time and be...
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By Connie Giordano, 2009-11-03
"To look back on the past, and see what we have missed, is a good lesson for the future." - Pulpit Commentary - Old Testament

"What might have been!"

These have to be the saddest words ever spoken.

What might have been in your life - if only you would have...?

In the Scriptures, we find the Lord God Almighty lamenting over the loss that His people suffered. Their misfortune did not happen because He withheld from them His blessings. It happened because they would not listen nor obey.

Read the following Scriptures and be especially mindful of the earnest desire and preference of God for His people. Don't miss the deep-seated grief...sighs and sobs...and mournful cries that are heard when you read between the lines. Observe how God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and be blessed. And lastly, see how eager He is to bless His children with the finest and the best of blessings.

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By Connie Giordano, 2009-11-06
"A great deal of the labour of faithful ministers is labour in vain; and, when it is so, it cannot but be a great grief to those who desire the salvation of souls."
"The labour of ministers is in vain upon those who begin in the Spirit and end in the flesh, who, though they seem to set out well, yet afterwards turn aside from the way of the gospel."
"It is the devil's design to hinder the good fruit and effect of the preaching of the gospel. If he cannot hinder ministers from labouring in the word and doctrine, he will, if he be able, hinder them of the success of their labours. Note also, Faithful ministers are much concerned about the success of their labours. No one would willingly labour in vain; and ministers are loth to spend their strength, and pains, and time, for nought."

- all three quotes are from Matthew Henry

In 1 Corinthians 15:58, the Apostle Paul said - "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the...
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"It is a rare thing to find one who is fit to go for God, and carry His message to the children of men."
"Such a degree of courage for God and concern for the souls of men as is necessary to make a man faithful, and withal such an insight into the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven as is necessary to make a man skillful are seldom to be met with."
"None are allowed to go for God but those who are sent by Him; He will own none but those whom He appoints...It is Christ's work to put men into the ministry..."

- all of the above quotes are from Matthew Henry

Unger's Commentary On The New Testament had this to say about the Prophet Isaiah - "No other prophet has ever been called to a more heartbreaking and frustrating ministry...a completely negative errand." It is referring to his call into the ministry - as mentioned in Isaiah 6:8-12 -

"Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then said I, Here am I; send...
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By Connie Giordano, 2009-11-17
"The happiness of those that love God, and devote themselves to His service, is substantial and satisfactory." "Spiritual and eternal things are the only real and substantial things." - Matthew Henry
"They that love Me(Wisdom) shall not be losers by Me. " - Biblical Illustrator - Old Testament

Proverbs 8:20-21 says - "I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment. That I may cause those that love Me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures."

Wisdom is talking here. Actually, Wisdom can be a type for Christ Jesus Himself.

What is He saying to His Body?

"I lead..."

Jesus is still the "Great Shepherd of the sheep" (Hebrews 13:20), and He is constantly leading them "beside the still waters" and to "green pastures" (Psalm 23:2).

In this particular verse, the word - "lead" - can also mean - "to walk or to go."

Jesus is walking or going "in the way of righteousness." He leads His...
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By Connie Giordano, 2009-11-17
"The happiness of those that love God, and devote themselves to His service, is substantial and satisfactory." "Spiritual and eternal things are the only real and substantial things." - Matthew Henry
"They that love Me(Wisdom) shall not be losers by Me. " - Biblical Illustrator - Old Testament

Proverbs 8:20-21 says - "I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment. That I may cause those that love Me to inherit substance; and I will fill their treasures."

Wisdom is talking here. Actually, Wisdom can be a type for Christ Jesus Himself.

What is He saying to His Body?

"I lead..."

Jesus is still the "Great Shepherd of the sheep" (Hebrews 13:20), and He is constantly leading them "beside the still waters" and to "green pastures" (Psalm 23:2).

In this particular verse, the word - "lead" - can also mean - "to walk or to go."

Jesus is walking or going "in the way of righteousness." He leads His...
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