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More than ever, we as Christians need to preach about the Blood of Jesus! A revival of emphasis on the Blood is desperately needed in the Christian circles. Sinner and saint alike need to know the significance of Christ's Blood and all that it accomplished on the Cross. Consider this message as a thrust to do so. Let's prepare the groundwork for the Greatest Revival to hit our homes, churches, and land - through the most Precious Blood of the Lamb of God.
1. Preach Christ's Innocence
"We hear the breeze in its rustling, the rain in its pattering, the hail in its rattling, the wind in its hollow howlings, the cataract in its dash, the bull in his bellowing, the lion in his roar; but we hear God, the Almighty, the Omnipresent, in the continuous peal of Thunder! This sound, and this sound only, becomes the majesty of Jehovah." - Adam Clarke
"Where the word of a king is, there is power, but what imperial voice shall be likened unto the majestic thunder of the Lord?" - Charles Spurgeon
Imagine laboring in the ministry with the Great Apostle Paul. How exhilarating this experience would be! But can you imagine anyone enjoying that great privilege or having that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and then leaving it for other things that are mundane and earthly?
The Scriptures tell us that there was one man who was privileged to travel with Paul but forsook it all for the things of this world.
2 Timothy 4:10 relates the sad commentary - "For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world..."
We might ask - What in the world would cause Demas to forsake Paul?
Or perhaps we should ask - What in Demas caused him to leave the high calling of God on his life for secular pursuits and cares?
No doubt, the hand of God laid heavily on...
Someone once said that - "Afflictions are often God's best blessings sent in disguise."
Oh! How comforting these words are! Perhaps you are presently encountering afflictions. Be encouraged today and know that God has great blessings in store for you - blessings that you can't see, but they are waiting in the shadows.
The Scriptures abound with verses which depict the various trials which a Christian oftentimes faces. Let's examine these verses to see what the Bible teaches about trials and testings in a believer's life -
Psalm 71:20 says - "Thou, which hast shown me great and sore troubles..."
In this type of trial, the Christian encounters multiple and severe straits and difficulties. He almost feels as though he is buried under them for they are so great and so many.
Psalm 66:12 says - "Thou hast caused men to ride over our heads..."