Earl Hussey


I grew up in a large non musical family. Although there was the radio for music and family records which everyone played and listened to, there was no one else beside me who picked up a piece of music to play. I learned by being around musical friends in my early 20's. When I learned guitar I started playing at Variety Shows, soon after. I liked the older country, the Hank Williams, Lefty Frizzell and leaned heavily towards Tom Connors. Their styles came easy to me. I am also a single parent of 2 grown boys, that I rared myself with a lot of burden at times. I turned to the local church where I began playing in the church groups and stayed there until the church closed. That's where I began writing my own gospel tunes. I love the outdoors, a love I inherited from my late father, and has, since his passing, have written a few songs about his life and times. I've played in a lot of seniors homes in the past, and have began a new ministry with the new love of my life in my local Long Term Care Centre. From here it can only get better! God Bless



Country: CA


images: 15
Songs: 4

Build me a Cabin in Glory Land

album: A Cabin In Glory Land
streams: 49

Build me a Cabin in Glory Land


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