Ed Hollyfield


Retired US Military Combat Veteran who is totally dedicated to God and Country. I write all of the songs I write songs that have messages, not to entertain, and I pray that people who listen will get the message.


None right now but I will add soon.


Songs: 5

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Please, Lord Jesus, Use Me Today

genre: Country/Southern Gospel
streams: 15



When I look around me many troubles I see

And I feel so unworthy, Lord, of all you’ve given me

And I want so badly to repay you some way

Please, Lord Jesus, use me today




Here am I, Lord, use me as you will

Mold me and shape me on your spinning wheel

For you are the potter and I am the clay

Please, Blessed Jesus, use me today


If there’s someone whos never known you Or the love that you give

And they’re struggling through life in an effort just to live

Maybe I can be the witness to show them your loving way

Please, Lord Jesus, use me today


         Repeat Chorus

Please, Lord Jesus, Use Me Today
T. Roy Taylor
09/02/21 11:49:20AM @t-roy-taylor:

      Ed Hollyfield is a retired military combat Veteran who made it through the war and now sings for       Jesus! Strong message about asking the Lord to use him. FOLLOW our brother and request his music on KEN RICH's Radio Show! Thank you for your service brother!!!!!

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