i am imran christian from pakistan and also servant of God
Location: Faisalabad, Punjab
Country: PK
Country: PK
Blogs: 323
Prayer For The Day
Dear Heavenly Father, I do want to be like You, so help me to react with Your love when someone does something toward me that is evil. I confess that I cannot do this in myself, but I am asking that You give me the love, understanding and patience that I need to be able to overcome evil with good. Father, Jesus forgave those who crucified Him on the cross, even in the midst of His agony; let me remember what You did on the cross, when I need to forgive trespasses done against me. Lord, give all of your children the power of the Holy Spirit to sustain them in their trials in this life. We all need Your power and grace to overcome and be like You. I ask this in the name of Jesus, my Lord. Amen.