i am imran christian from pakistan and also servant of God
Location: Faisalabad, Punjab
Country: PK
Country: PK
Blogs: 323
Prayer For The Day
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the many gifts You have given me. I do appreciate the gift of wisdom and discernment. I am grateful that You have spared me from many a heartache. Thank You also for the sound advice in the Word of God. Give me the grace and strength to always obey Your Word, as I know You know what is best for me. Bless my family and friends today and keep them from the wicked one. Thank You for Your provision for this day. Help me not to stress about tomorrow. I trust that You have all things under Your control and I believe You will take care of me and my problems. Give this same faith to others who are needing to hear from You. I ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen