i am imran christian from pakistan and also servant of God
Location: Faisalabad, Punjab
Country: PK
Country: PK
Blogs: 323
Prayer For The Day
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your many promises of blessings. I am thankful that You are my refuge and I can run to You when I am in trouble. I am also grateful that You keep me from the traps of the devil. Lord, I do love You, and I ask that You cleanse my heart from any thing that is not like You. Strengthen me to walk worthy before You and my fellow men. Lord, restore the "fear of the Lord" to Your people today. Lord, forgive us when, in certain areas, we have become too casual about the things of God. Instill in us, Your people, a reverential fear of Your Holy Name and Word. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.