Country: PK
Prayer For The Day
Dearest Father, I am grateful that you are a God of order and of wisdom. Show me Your order in my every day affairs.' I need my life and my ways ordered of You.' Lord, I live in a time where there is so much busyness and hurry-hurry, let me not get caught up in the rush of our society.' Slow me down, and show me my priorities.' Let me do the things that are important to You.' Let me not leave the important things of prayer and the study of Your Word undone. Forgive me when I neglect these things, because I have run out of time and strength that was given to less important things. I know if I put the things of God first, then I will have time for all the really important things in my life. Help me work on "being" like You, instead of just busy "doing" things for you. I do ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.