We plan on having a couple of tidbits of information in this discussionsuch as, an Artist giving a short bio on the song in the list, how itcame to be, how the song worked out in the studio and the overallfeeling that the artist wanted to bring to the listening audience. It isjust another step in getting to know the artists and their material.Amen?
So If any of the Top 10 Artists in this week list wouldlike to send me a short email on the song that is on the top 10, pleasedo send it to jban1946@bellsouth.net
We look forward to thisadded dimension to God's Media Army - Top 10 Songs.
In Him
updated by @james-banfields-top-20-songs: 02/05/23 01:57:47PM
Interviews with the Artists on the Top 10 list
From Ken Rich:Excellent idea! This is the best group project I've seen so far. It goes straight to one of the mission objectives on this network - spreading the Gospel with music. This will help artists get their stuff "out there", where it can do some good.By selecting quality songs, it rewards hard work and excellence, which provides motivation for member artists to excel at what they do.The bio will add that personal touch, making the artists more accessible and human to the public, and the songs more meaningful. I hope the participation level is high because the concept is awesome.
From Barry WinslowSong: Alpha & Omega - by Barry WinslowHi James,Well Buddy, Alpha & Omega was truly a vision God gave me one very stormy night...and I know it was meant for me but I was suppose to share the "warning" with everyone I could. I was blessed to have a great arranger Dennis Wage....one of Nashville's best, and some great players.All I walked in with was a guitar/ vocal demo and an idea.......God, through Dennis, made it happen. Actually all the tunes on "Transition" started that way. Again, I never dreamed God would use a sinner like me.......then it dawned on me........all His disciples were just regular guys so to speak. with jobs and families just like us. The Lord is sooooo awesome.!!I think the most fun song in the session was "The Angel Song"..........I'd never experienced "tongues" before, but as the lyric came, I just wrote down phonetically what I was hearing. But the clincher was the backing vocal folks had no idea at the time what they were singing until my Christian Bud and studio owner Nathan Smith said..." congrats guys, you've just sung your first song in tongues....lol. " You could hear a pin drop....but I understood later they became very "curious" and found a good local church to teach them. Praise His Holy Name.All I can say is I'm so happy that God pulled my out of the dark and gave me His songs to sing. Couldn't be blessed any better than that. :O)Thanks again James for the invite here. I'm honored and humbled my friend. I pray it will touch and encourage someone into following what God has laid out for them. I assure you, you'll never regret it.Blessings All.In His LoveBarry & Teena
From James GrahamSong: Someone Like You - James GrahamSomeone Like You - James GrahamSubject: Short note for "Someone Like You"------------"Someone Like You" is a musical reminder that there are so many less fortunate in the world just waiting for the basic things in life that we in North America are so blessed to have. As an active child sponsor and songwriter I wanted to remind others of this need that exists and the valued solution that Someone Like You can bring to those less fortunate; especially the children. God has blessed us; providing us with the opportunity to bless others and show God's love to those in need.------------
Thank You James (G). It is really neat to see how God works with his Gospel Songwriters in developing a message for all to hear. This is a prime example. Blessings even more to you in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen James Banfield
Awesome ministry James (G). It tugs our heartstrings too. Yes Sir, we are blessed here, and we pray that this country will wake up and praise God for it again.In His LoveBarry & Teena
A MOTHER'S LOVE BY LIZ CLARKE (Artist of the Week too!)Hi James,i am writing in response to your request for some information about my song, A Mother's Love.It is a very special song to me. I wrote the song, which is dedicated to my mom, shortly after she died from cancer, we were very close, and I missed her so very much, so one day as i was thinking about her, I penned the words, and the melody followed almost imediately. I wanted to do something special with the song in her memory.She was cared for by myself and my daughter at home, and she was visited a couple of times a week by a specialist cancer care nurse fromMarie Curie cancer care, they were very attentive to her, so i decided to record the song as a single,which i did, in a little studio in Belfast, I raised 500 through cd sales, and donated the money to Marie Curie Cancer Care. I know my mom would have approved, and she would have loved the idea of me writing a song just for her, but then, she was a very special lady.Blessings.Liz ClarkeLiz, this is a beautiful thing that you did for your mom, and we get to receive the blessing of the song... It is so touching,, so moving. Thank You for doing such a beautiful song. In Him James Banfield
From Mike Abrams;Song: "One Of Many Branches" - Mike AbramsWhen I wrote one of many branches it was actually written as a prayer in my prayer journal. My thought process was and is "one day at a time" with the Lord leading the way. I only want to hear and say what He wants me to.When I went to the studio we did it in two cuts. It was simply amazing how it came out and all of the guys really enjoyed recording the song.Thanks James and be blessed my friend,Mike
Hey James, Thanks for the support. The song "Up on calvary" was given to me by the inspiration of God years ago. I hope it sums of the price Christ paid for us to have victory and a relationship with The Father. I give God the glory for the words, music and the abilities He has blessed me with. I hope the song ministers to all the love of Jesus. May The Lord add His blessings to this site and to those who seek to further His Kingdom with song, Your Brother in Christ, Ray
Ray; It is unique that the Lord has given us a way to see His Mighty Hand move amongest His Songwriters, Singers, and Psalmists. Thank You for the determination to stick it out, and complete each of the songs He has given you. Through the Songs, He is teaching us to be Faithful. Awesome. Blessings to you as you go forward writing the songs for the Lord, and blessings to all who write Songs, Poems, Prose, and books, the whole Media, Bless You all who stand for the Lord. Amen In Him ... James