John and Carolyn Daniels
John and Carolyn Daniels
16 years ago
9 posts
"Do not think yourself as wise, fear God, and turn your back on evil. Proverbs 3:7 One day as Jesus preached to a large crowd, he was approached by several young men, one of whom held something fast in his hands. Having heard of the wisdom of Jesus, they had plotted to fool him when the crowd was at it's greatest. The day before, they captured a small bird. One of the men planned to say to Jesus, "Teacher, what is it that I have in my hands?" If Jesus should answer a bird, he would ask, "Teacher, is the bird dead or alive?" If Jesus said the bird is dead, he would open his hands and let the bird fly away. If Jesus answered, the bird is alive, he would break it's neck with his thumbs and reveal a dead bird. The young man confidently approaced Jesus with his clasped hands outstretched and questioned, "Teacher, if you are so wise, what is in my hands?" Jesus quickly replied, "A small bird is in your hands." Somewhat startled by Jesus' wisdom, the young man continued, "Teacher, if you are so wise, tell me if the bird is dead or alive." Without a moments hesitation, but speaking in a solemn voice, Jesus said, "Young man, the decision is in your hands." (Socrates)
updated by @john-and-carolyn-daniels: 04/14/15 12:24:32AM


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