Zack Martin
Zack Martin
12 years ago
70 posts

I give this Scripture and comments for you to research and expound upon. As I viewed the link in this article and searched the Scriptures an strange feeling ran all over me. I DO NOT even begin to claim to be a prophet, but the strange co-incidence that surrounds this is intriguing to say the least. With the way things have come about lately, it seems to fits, but is it simply a hoax playing on our minds. Then again things seem to point us in this direction.

I encourage your research and comments on this. I would like for brighter minds than mine to check this out and make Biblical comments on this subject. Thanks for your understanding and comments.

Luke 10:18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. KJV

The word for lightning in this verse is strongs number 1299 - baraq (pronounced baw-rawk) & the number for heights is Strong's 1116: Bamah and also the conjunction u or sometimes o is used with Bamah, so Luke 10:18 would read this way: I beheld Satan as Baraq u or o Bamah! Im not saying OBama is THE Antichrist, Im just giving Scripture with the Hebrew (Aramaic) words that transliterates this passage of Scripture. You can make up your own mind.

Isa 14:12-19) 12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit. 16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? 18 All the kings of the nations, even all of them, lie in glory, every one in his own house. 19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under feet. KJV

Strongs word number 1299 - Baraq (Baw-Rawk) means lightning. Translates: I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. KJV or translated as Baraq O Bamah.


bamah OT:1116, "high place." This noun occurs in other Semitic languages, meaning the "back" of an animal or of a man (Ugaritic), the incline or "back" of a mountain (Akkadian), and the "block" (of stone) or grave of a saint (Arabic). Bamah is used about 100 times in biblical Hebrew, and the first occurrence is in Lev 26:30: "And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you." Most of the uses are in the Books of Kings and Chronicles, with the sense of "cultic high place." The word is rarely used in the Pentateuch or in the poetic or prophetic literature.

Friends. As we are nearing the time for Christ to come back on a cloud and claim His Children, we are faced straight forward with this frightening ordeal. Is it coincidental that the name of our President are the transliterated words of Luke 10:18 (Aramaic Hebrew)? I dont know, but I am giving the Scripture out for your knowledge. Here is the Scripture for you to read. The decision is yours!


Rev. Zack Martin Sr.

In His Name,
Rev. Zack martin Sr.

updated by @zack-martin: 07/09/16 01:07:00AM
Teresa Ann Wiggins
Teresa Ann Wiggins
12 years ago
1 posts
Wow! I was sitting and reading Revelations back in 2010, I felt the Holy Spirit giving me answers to many questions. And from that day on I have believed Barak Obama is the anti-christ!!! I was led to google his name also and saw several videos of other Brothers in Christ who had visions, etc. with the same confirmation! This past May, I laid my head down, I felt a very quiet peaceful feeling only of The Lord and than I heard "Prophecy, the dark Jesus"!
Zack Martin
Zack Martin
12 years ago
70 posts

Hi Teresa - I also came across this video with the link above, and as I view it chills ran up and down my back. He is against Israel, and pro Islamic, and is probably of the Islamic faith. Everything he does seems to be against Christianity, and the founding faith of our nation. I am SO AFRAID of what we will soon face because of him being President. The only thing I can say is Jesus will come for all of God's children at the Rapture. Like I said, I don't profess to be a profit, but Scripture leads me to believe he MAY INDEED be the Antichrist (He is definitely an antichrist if not THE antichrist. Thanks for your response.

In His Name,
Rev. Zack martin Sr.
Zack Martin
Zack Martin
12 years ago
70 posts

1. OT:1299
OT:1299 baraq (baw-rak'); a primitive root; to lighten (lightning):
KJV - cast forth.


2. OT:1300 baraq (baw-rawk'); from OT:1299; lightning; by analogy, a gleam; concretely, a flashing sword:
KJV - bright, glitter (-ing sword), lightning.

3. OT:1301
OT:1301 Baraq (baw-rawk'); the same as OT:1300; Barak, an Israelite:
KJV - Barak.

4. bamah
OT:1116 bamah (bam-maw'); from an unused root (meaning to be high); an elevation:
KJV - height, high place, wave.

OT:1117 Bamah (baw-maw'); the same as OT:1116; Bamah, a place in Palestine: -Bamah. See also OT:1120.

In His Name,
Rev. Zack martin Sr.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
12 years ago
5 posts

Being a Canadian, I always find it funny when Americans vilify their political opponents. If a Republican is in, the Democrats come up with a thousand ways to demonize them. If a Democrat is in, the Republicans do the same.

Obama is not the anti-Christ. The anti-Christ has been synonymous with the Papacy since Reformation times. All of the great reformers, in fact all of Protestantism, held this view for centuries. About 100-150 years ago futurism succeeded in overturning historicism as the predominant Eschatology, and now the truth is all but lost to the masses.

A Great Cloud of Witnesses:"Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther, Calvin, Cranmer, Bunyan, the translators of the King James Bible and the men who published the Westminster and Baptist confessions of Faith; Sir Isaac Newton, Wesley, Whitfield, Jonathan Edwards; and more recently Spurgeon, Bishop J.C. Ryle and Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones; these men among countless others, all saw the office of the Papacy as the antichrist ."Taken from All Roads Lead to Rome, by Michael de Semlyen. Dorchestor House Publications, p. 205. 1991.

Modern historicists still hold that the Papacy is anti-Christ and some influential dispensationalists do as well, including Dave Hunt. They have significant differences in the timeline and view of Israel, but Rome is still identified as the seat of anti-Christ. 

Roman Catholic futurism (from the Jesuit Ribera) is now the predominantview and is taught almost everywhere, even in conservative Evangelical circles. It is so entrenched and promoted it is the only view most modern Christians have heard of, and anything to the contrary creates cognitive dissonance .

The Scofield Reference Bible, Hal Lindseys " The Late Great Planet Earth ", the " Left Behind " series, are examples of modern indoctrination to this false view. It is counter-reformation doctrine that entered Protestantism primarily through John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren.

Antichrist would be a single evil person who would be received by the Jews and would rebuild Jerusalem, abolish Christianity, deny Christ, persecute the Church and rule the world for three and a half years. ...This futurist interpretation with its personal Antichrist and three and a half year period of tribulation did not take root in the Protestant church until the early nineteenth century. "The Blessed Hope" by George Eldon Ladd.

The fact is,  Andreas Helwig  put forward the answer to this riddle centuries ago, by counting the numbers in the letters of the Popes official title -VICARIUS FILII DEI

Languages like Greek and Hebrew have numerical values to their letters and having a number to your name was common in ancient times.

NUMERAL NAME VALUE I unus 1 V quinque 5 X decem 10 L quinquaginta 50 C centum 100 D quingenti 500 M mille 1000 


THE LITERAL MEANING: VICARIUS - substituting for, or in place of   FILII - means son   DEI - means GOD

V = 5   F = no value   D = 500 I = 1 I = 1   E = no value C = 100 L = 50   I = 1 A = no value I = 1       -------- R = no value I = 1       501 I = 1     --------         U/V = 5     53         S = no value                   --------     112 + 53 + 501 = 666     112              

Father Reginald Martin :

Vicarius Filii Deimeans Vicar [or representative] of the Son of God, a term scholars believe first appears in a document known as the Donation of Constantine, dated to the eighth or ninth century. This is an apt description of the Pope, who is frequently referred to as the Vicar of Christ, and, at present, probably only the most bitterly anti-Catholic individuals would take offense at the title . However, this has not always been the case. Foes of Catholicism from the 16th to the 19th centuries delighted in pointing out that the title could be turned into the 666 that is the mark of the beast in the Book of Revelation.  

Some Catholics vehemently deny the use of this title by the Popes but it is found in the Donation of Constantine which was cited in writing by no less than 10 Popes as proof of their authority. The Donation of Constantinewas eventually exposed as a pious fraud, but not before it had the desired effect of securing the power of the Papacy by deceit. The deception is just another proof of the illegitimacy of the entire system and it's supposedly infallible head.

Here are actual pictures of the title in use:

A page of Gratian's Decretum printed in 1512 with the title vicarius filii dei indicated by the arrow. The entire volume is online at  Bayerische Staatsbibliothek , the title appears on  photo 201 .

Photo of a 16th century copy of the Donation previously online at the Vatican Secret Archive web site. The phrase vicarius filli Dei appears at the end of the 5th line down of the left page. 

This is just 1 of 18 Biblical identifications of the anti-Christ given in the books of Daniel and Revelation.  To any serious student of prophecy who has not been blinded by Jesuit futurism, all those identifying marks point to Rome and anti-Chrisrt system that spans the centuries. It's future is severe and sudden judgement.

Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 11/09/15 07:17:48PM
Zack Martin
Zack Martin
12 years ago
70 posts

Thanks Ken for your response - I pray you are right. I have always associated the antichrist with Roman Rule, but in the last days things seem to lead differently. God knows the answer, as I don't profess to be a profit, and contrary to your belief I'm NOT politically motivated, just reactions to his deeds. Thanks again.

In His Name,
Rev. Zack martin Sr.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
12 years ago
5 posts

Hi Zack,

Don't get me wrong. You don't have to be politically motivated to buy into an idea that someone politically motivated has given birth to. That's what makes propaganda powerful, it's spread by those who are influenced by it.

For instance, I remember when Reagan was president they were saying he was the anti-Christ because his names each had 6 letters - Ronald Wilson Reagan (666) . You didn't have to be a Democrat to jump on that bandwagon, but I think it's fair to say that it was mostly democrats that sent it around to everyone on their mailing lists - lol.


The Bush Presidents were vilified too, although the second one was not perceived as " bright " enough to be the anti-Christ by most people - lol.

Like I said, as a Canadian I find it amusing. Perhaps I'm also immune to these shenanigans because I follow the traditional Protestant view of the anti-Christ. I don't take it seriously when a President is vilified with the title because I know that NO President can fit the other points of the prophecy.

Likewise, one could argue that the view of the Pope's self proclaimed (by forgery) title ofVICARIUS FILII DEI equalling 666, is just Protestant propaganda. One could brush it off as an intent to vilify, except that it is only 1 of 7 clues in Daniel, and 11 clues in Revelation, that  ALL point to the Papacy.

God left us identifying marks or clues as to who this power is. Many people and powers can fit 1 point of the prophecy, some powers can even be construed to fit several points, but there has only ever been one world power that fits  all 18 points and that is the Papacy.The Romish Church is the little horn power, anti-Christ power, and whore of Babylon as traditional Protestant eschatology (historicism) teaches and some in the dispenstational camp also teach (with differences on timing, etc.).

For example, it's a power dressed in purple and scarlet (their official colors), it's also a city on seven hills (Rome), it rules over the Kings of the Earth (as they did for centuries), it martyrs the saints of the most high (read Foxe's Book of Martyrs), it is rich (read "The Vatican Billions" by Avro Manhattan), it is corrupt (look at the worldwide child sex abuse scandals in the news), it would rise in Western Europe amid the divisions of the Roman Empire (History of the Christian Church vol. 3, p. 327), it would destroy 3 kingdoms as it rose (the Vandals, the Ostrogoths, and the Heruli), etc., etc, That it has a man at it's head and his name adds to 666, is just one indicator among 18.

Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 02/03/15 02:55:39PM
Dee Smith
Dee Smith
12 years ago
10 posts
The antichrist will be brilliant and have useful tactics to sway Christians and non Christians alike to bow to him at least one of the two our president lacks. Keep an eye on prince William.
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
5 posts

Hi Zack,


This discussion has alot of comments so should be ending up in the "Top Discussions" section, which are chosen by number of comments. Some of yours used to be there, I'm not sure why they are not now.

I've got the developer working on it. Can you make a few comments here and then we can track them and see what's going on - thanks.

Ken Rich


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