Interviews with the Artists on the Top 10 list

James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
15 years ago
34 posts
Mike, I am blessed brother.. I get to hear songs from artists who othewise would not be heard. Some artists such as yourself and several others have stepped above the norm and did created works that speak, that flows musically, that is top quality, top presentation and the anointing of the Lord is on those songs. I get to revel in listening to those songs and then I get to put them on a page designed specifically to expose those songs to others. Yeah, I am blessed. One of Many Branches" which is number 10 (Week of Oct 10-16) on the top 10 has been on the chart for 6 Weeks. There are some other artists who I have heard lately that deserve to be there too, and they will. Let all who listen to the songs that others have presented to us through this medium be Blessed. In Him .. James
updated by @james-banfields-top-20-songs: 07/04/15 05:35:17PM
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
15 years ago
34 posts
From Gary Weldon Sr.Song: All About YouThe song" All about you "was inspired by my previous Pastor( who was also my best friend and a musician)I performed weekly at his church in any capacity required, Played drums , bass, guitar , pedal steel singing ect. After the congregation requested that I sing and perform more often and to do some of my own songs the Pastor invited me to his home for dinner, Well, after dinner, he invited me to his basement to see some of his new music equipment. . That was not his intentions, While in the basement he said to me " you will not sing any of your songs in my church. You WILL do as you are told, nothing more , nothing less, Besides I am in the opinion you think your music is " All About you" you think you are so great Don't you" I responded" I am just trying to serve and honor my Lord with the talents he has blessed me with to the best of my ability! His response was, You will do only what I tell you to do " If you don't like it then leave. This is my church and you will fall under my authority.! It broke my heart and called upon my Lord to forgive me if I was taking any honor or glory from him, I thanked God for the talents he had blessed me with and only wanted to honor him! One night while crying out ,seeking His wisdom and Strength He blessed me with this song! There is a much deeper meaning to this song than just words, It is a cry of my heart!When I cry out in the dark ( Even while I was in my sin)\ Oh Lord you know my heart ( Only God know how much I love & desire to honor him)But what would I do ( be lost and eternially seperated from him)If I did not have you in my life ( Where grace & mercy was shown to a lost soul such as I .Any way This song I was blessed with has helped to give me strenght, & endurance, to fight the good fight, No matter what others may say!!!! Hope it has blessed others.***************************************Gary, even though your pastor was speaking out of jealousy, the Lord used it to bring you even closer to HIM. So much so, that "All About You" not only touches the heart but touches the Spirit too. This is where the Lord took you. HE took you to a place of worship, where it became ... Spirit to Spirit .. Which is the way it should be. I pray many blessings from the Lord God Almighty.In Christ's Name Amen.James Banfield
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
15 years ago
34 posts
From: Barry Winslow Song: Album "Tradition" Congrats Jessica...(HolyGhost Fall On Me #1). ..awesome song well done. :O)I'd like to do a praise report about " Transition ", to shed some light on my early experience of God's awesome power.After 15 yrs. away from music period, God put in my heart a desire to write music for Him. My first attempt became Transition . All I had was a rough guitar/vocal tape demo and, nervous as a cat in a dog pound, I started singing them for my friends new small church.As only God can do, a local man, who I would say was an agnostic, offered to pay to have the tunes recorded after attending one Sunday service. Blown away was an So I booked the session and we started the project.....with a Christian engineer!All the players were fantastic, but keyboardist Dennis Wage was the key. He took the demo tape home the night before the session, charted, and arranged the songs.The second we started tracking, I could feel God's presence....and so did the others. His anointing was embedded in every facet of that session.Some of the players wanted to do more and would go play their scheduled sessions elsewhere, and come back for overdubs etc for us,......FREE.!! Praise Jesus!But I think one outstanding note is the backing singers response to "The Angel Song" After their parts, they asked me what language is that? The look on their faces was priceless when I told them... God gave me a brief encounter with "tongues". You could hear a pin drop as I tried my best to describe what that the best part, they were so curious about it, they started going to church and found Jesus.......PRAISE GOD IN THE HIGHEST!!!All I can say is I'm so grateful God called me and Teena to do His music. I could never thank Him enough. We serve an Awesome God!!Bless you allBarry & Teena Barry and Teena; We have all been blessed with your music. I for one am blessed because of owning " Transition " . And Now I know why, The Presence of the Lord was in the matter from the very beginning of creating the tracks. Halleluia .. I pray many blessings for you and Teena in the ministry that the Lord has put you two in. In Christ, James
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
15 years ago
34 posts
From : George Bongo "Song is Lord Show me" which is number 9 this week and The Bullet Song last Week.From: George BongoHi JamesI am so honoured to hear that my songs are blessing other people all is an encouragement to me to continue with what i love doing.I want to appreciate the effort and the vision you had in making this happen.Trully God will bless you Beyond what you album "Asante" is now officially complete,and am trying to avail them for sell online and music stores.Keep on keeping on.I bless and love you in Jesus nameA big up to all the Indiegospel FamilyGeorge Bongo
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
15 years ago
34 posts
This message is from Angela Dittmar whose song, "King of the Universe" is number $ on the Top Ten this week. This message is from Angela when I asked her what the words meant. (barack attah...) here is her reply. wow... you gotta check this out... amenFrom Angela Dittmar ...Hi JamesBaruch atta Adonai is Hebrew, from the Hebrew blessing said at Passover.That phrase means "Blessed are You oh Lord our God, King of the Universe"Here is the story of that song, feel free to share it.I was in church, it was just before Easter, and this article was written in the church papers ....(The Hebrew blessings recalls the setting of the Last Supper as a Passover meal.)Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the same night He was betrayed, took bread and gave thanks: Baruch attah Adonai Elohenu melech ha'olam, hamotzi lechem min ha'aretz. (Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who brings forth bread from the earth.) Then He broke it and gave it to the disciples, saying, "Take and eat: This is My body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of Me."In the same way also He took the cup after supper and gave thanks: Baruch attah Adonai Elohenu melech ha'olam, borey p'riy hagafen. (Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.) Then He gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you: this is My blood of the new testament, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me."When I read this, the words jumped up at me ... and I knew... I was supposed to write down this song.......... I was just the that's the story............and I don't speak Hebrew, but I did some research and asked some Jewish friends who do speak Hebrew, to be sure I pronounced it correctly.Thanks for asking, happy to share! :)Blessingsang
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
15 years ago
34 posts
Hi George... let us know the details of how to get the Album and the price of it with shipping.. we'll let everyone know on this end.. Again, my friend, "Lord Show Me" is a beautiful song... Thank You Lord for blessing George with such music.. In Him ...James
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
15 years ago
34 posts
Angela, we are blessed from this song. There is just something about it that has the Anointing upon it. I can twait until the next song hits the Top Ten.... Keep up the good work for it is a blessing to us all.Amen ... In him James
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
14 years ago
34 posts

Song: "Fruit of the Spirit" by Mike Abrams currently (1/2/2011) it is the Bullet song of the week. Here is Mike's comment on this song... I love it.... James

Mike Abrams: "I wrote this when I had my own automotive repair shop. I had to take a customer to work and she was witnessing to me about the Emmaus walk thatI should go on and how awesome it was all the while she was using cusswords as a normal part of her vocabulary. She professed to be aChristian for many years but there was no fruit. She looked no differentthan the rest of the world to me, so I literally asked her if she hadsomething I could write on as I dropped her off at work. I pulled awayand when she was gone, I wrote the first verse to this song. She willprobably never know. By the way I did do the Emmaus walk a few yearslater and loved it!"

James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
14 years ago
34 posts

SONG: "YOU ARE" by Isaac Johnson from Miami. Isaac sent me a message ... His New Album/CD is now available,,, wow ... and so here is the info that he sent to me ...If you havent heard "You Are" yet,,, check it out.. it is the "Bullet Song of the Week" on James Banfield's Top Ten Songs here on IndieGospelArtists.. it is really good....


Hey James, My new album "You Are" is now available on itunes. Just visit this link

Or search "Isaac You Are" in tunes. Please share this with who everyone you can. Thanks and I really appreciate all your help.

Ulysses Brown
Ulysses Brown
14 years ago
2 posts

Love Lifted Me

"Thou art my hiding place; thou shall preserve me from trouble; thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance". Psalm 32:7

Love Lifted Me started as an arrangement of one of my favorite hymns, then with me writing verses to complete the song in the studio. It was recorded with my producer, John M. McLane, at Important Audio, Stone Mountain Georgia.

I've played this song for years with my group back in the 80's with, "Ulysses Brown and The Golden Gates of Richmond Virginia", and then with my band "Ulysses"; but once I decieded to record it with my solo project.

LoveLifted Me took a wholeyet diffrent turn that night in thestudio. It started with me singing the lead and3 parts of the background vocals; a friend of John's, Beverly Gray stop by to see him and ended up singing background vocal with meto repay a favorite to John. Beverly vocals sounded great... and we completed this song injust a few hours with two new verses and a totally newarrangement.

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