Barry Winslow Testimony

James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
15 years ago
34 posts

Barry Winslow Testimony

Even though I came to the Lord late in life, I had the usual childhood exposure. My Grandmother made sure when I wasaround her that my brother and I were in Sunday school and Church without fail.Thank you Granny Taylor.

Unfortunately, as with most kids, I didnt fully understand the depth of what Jesus was all about then.but that wouldchange.

In 1966 at the ripe old age of 17, my love for music was realized (so I thought) as part of a rock band The RoyalGuardsmen. With Snoopy vs The Red Baron, Snoopys Christmas, and severalother songs that became hits, I was thrust into an unbelievable world oftemptation. With a serious taste for booze and other things, I eventually becamevery disillusioned and bored.

I know now that only by the grace of God, and His plan for me, did I survive those years chasing records, playing nightclubs, and life in general. I sustained several motor vehicle accidents, a neardeath experience with appendicitis at age 10, and probably more unknownsituations than I could imagine where He kept me safe.

Thank you Lord.

Around 1978 I truly burned out of music all together and went looking for something I felt would occupy that emptyspace.

I always loved airplanes and helicopters..soooooo..after a few years OJT, I earned my A&P license andfor many years worked on, and flew, all kinds of aircraft.

Still something was sadly missing in my life.

Around 1985, a close friend of mine invited me to come to his church he had just started. I balked at first becauseI was still drinking some and not very comfortable with the idea of beingaround Christians.even if it was only 19 of them. But finally he talked me intoit.

Little did I know that God was about to reveal Stage One of His destiny for me.

After a few Sundays, Mike asked me if I would learn a song and play it for the invitational. I thought oh no, I donthave a clue what to learn..or anything to play it on!

As only God could do it, I got a guitar and a Ray Boltz album given to me. Lo and behold a song called the Altar justblew me away. I had no idea this was Christian music. I couldnt wait to get itdown and play it for the church. I never dreamed Id ever be involved in musicagain, but this time was different. This music reached deep down in my soul andministered to me as well as others. I was hooked.

As that year went on, I came to Stage Two. God opened up my eyes and heart to His Word. Now the Bible became verymuch alive to me. The more I was exposed to it the hungrier I got.

Stage Three was now at hand. I was still a bit apprehensive about some areas of my life and not sure of what to do aboutcertain feelings I was having. My pastor was helping, but I wasnt really sureif I could make the grade.

In the fall of 1987, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. And on that cold rainy night, my life changedforever.

My spirit was so impressed as if He had spoken out loud to me saying, I am not finished with you yet. You are loved andforgiven! Know this..I have seen you from your birth to this point in youlife, with everything youve done right and wrong, and from this point in yourlife to your grave with everything you will do right and wrong, still I havecalled you!

Over whelmed is an understatement! Man, I must have cried for an hour. I felt an incredible warmth, a huge weight liftedoff me, and realized that I didnt have to wait to be perfect to become aChristian. Now I understood what He wanted me to do.

Later that year He started putting songs in my head that eventually became my first Contemporary Christian albumTransition.

Thank you again Jesus.

Looking back.the only regret I have is that I didnt come to Him sooner. But as Im always learning something new aboutHis ways.its all about His timing, not mine.

I know I have a long way to go, but I pray that I can do my best for Him, that His will be done in my life, and that Hereceives all the praise and glory.

updated by @james-banfields-top-20-songs: 02/05/23 02:35:04PM
Lindsey Newburn
Lindsey Newburn
13 years ago
3 posts

A wonderful testimony i love to read and hear testimony what god does for people keep up for the lord he is so wonderful to have in are lifes we can not live without him

James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
13 years ago
34 posts

Amen on that Lindsey ... you have a great day in the Lord!

James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
13 years ago
34 posts

What a Testimony! Is it time to "Gear UP"? Hey, an idea for a song! Instructions to The Army of the Lord! Gear Up Guys!

Blessings to you Barry and to Teena too... JB


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