Wings Of Compassion
Wings Of Compassion
13 years ago
1 posts

1 TIMOTHY 6: 17- God gives us all things to enjoy

All things that we need to enjoy in life are waiting for us in the heavenly realm,with our names on them. All we need to do is to know how to get it from there to here.


Faith is the currency that buys things from the spiritual realm to the natural realm.

HEBREWS 11:1- Says that faith is the substance things hoped for, it is the currency that buys the unseen things.

Spiritual currency works the same way as the natural currency. If you have abundance in your bank account, you can enjoy plenty of material things. If you have an abundance of faith in your spiritual account you'll enjoy plenty of everything...wealth, health, good relationships, peace success and etc for God gives us all things to enjoy. Without faith you are spiritually broke


Most believers have n0 clue where actually faith comes from,where it is stored and how to get it out when they need it.

1)Romans 10:17< Faith`from hearing the word of God.(comes from the word)

2)Romans 10:8-10< Near you even in your mouth and your heart for with the mouth we believe unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Your faith is in your heart, and since your faith or lack of it determines your future, the truth is that your future's stored in your heart as well. How to get it out.When you want to make a withdrawal from your faith account, speak the word of faith, don't speak the circumstance,don't tell it the way it is or looks like,speak the end results ,say what god says the outcome is going to be and never put it in the future.FAITH CALLS THINGS THAT ARE NOT AS THOUGH THEY WERE.

Q...How much faith do you have in your heart account right now? is is it enough to handle your current situation? is it enough to produce victory in your daily life? IF not,you would better start making some big deposit of the word of God.


updated by @wings-of-compassion: 02/06/23 04:04:46AM


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