End of the Age and Strong Delusion

Jerry Herrera
Jerry Herrera
10 years ago
5 posts

Hi Ken, thank you for your reply,

like I said before, I'm just an obersrver of prophecy and things I post are merely to other prophecy observers to point out the different views out there on the prophetic. I'm always cautious not to get dogmatic in this area of the prophetic as advised by the Apostle Paul:

[2 Timothy 2:14] - Keep reminding God's people of these things. Warn them before God against quarrling about words; it is no value, and it only ruins those who listen.

updated by @jerry-herrera: 07/06/15 11:58:58AM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
5 posts

Hi Jerry,

I believe there is a great difference between quarreling about words and contending for the truth.

Christian apologetics  is a much needed and honorable pursuit. It was in fact practiced by Paul and even Jesus, who were constantly arguing for the truth against the Jewish leaders. Paul also spent a substantial amount of time confronting false teachers and refuting their teachings.

Jude 1:3   I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.

2 Timothy 4:2  Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct , rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction .

2 Corinthians 10:5  ‘We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ’

I agree that it is a meaningless argument over words, if it's about a non issue liike genologies (1 Timothy 1:4), but even then, the remedy prescribed by Paul was to  instruct them  to do otherwise.

I think if the issue is a salvation issue, an essential of the Gospel, we ought to defend the truth tenaciously against false teachers. If it's a side issue that is not going to see people lost over it, then it isn't worth arguing over. No need to " major in the minors ".

With eschatology, I accept people of different views (there are 4 major ones).  However, acceptance doesn't necessitate leaving them in darkness. It is a gravely important issue, since the anti-Christ system brutalizes millions of people, both spiritually and physically. Opposing this power and helping people escape it's deceptions (and physical harm) is a good thing.

What I see as not only dangerous, but ludicrous, is the system clearly identified as anti-Christ in scripture, is the very system people are allowing to drive their interpretation of prophecy. It points them to the past (Preterism), and to the Future (Futurism), making itself  safe  in the present, where it deceives, destroys, corrupts, and masqueraded as the representation of God on  earth.

There is relatively little opposition, because most of Christianity is completely duped. Thanks to it's teachings, 95 % of people are scouting the horizon for some future anti-Christ (and fictional future scenario), while ignoring the wolf in sheep's clothing that frolics in their own backyard.

It would almost be laughable, if it's crimes against God and humanity were not so horrendous. From wars, to inquisitions, to doctrinal deceptions, to the rape and torture of children, to the amassing of obscene wealth and political power. It has committed atrocities for centuries and continues to do so, all the while claiming the prerogatives of God.

Our conversation ensued when I saw you post something on Facebook which said America is Babylon. We need not argue over that, since 1 Peter 5:13 equates Babylon with Rome, and settles the matter for us. Why impose our own interpretations, when the word of God interprets itself?

Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 01/10/15 06:16:58PM
Jerry Herrera
Jerry Herrera
10 years ago
5 posts

Hi Ken, thank you for your reply,

again I'm only an observer of the prophetic and I just put out different view points is all, if you remember when I posted "America Is Babylon" that I also said: "I found this to be very interesting and alarming can it be true?" I also stated before when it comes to the prophetic that I don't take anyone interpretation because there are many different views out there on that subject and many disagreements, so I prefer not to take a stand on anyone iterpretation of prophecy. I realize also, that must be why we have so many denominations because of all the doctrinal differences between all the different denominations which is really rather amazing, because one has to pose the question; which denomination is Jesus going to choose to enter into His Kingdom? I think the Apostle Paul summed it up in this way: Link -  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=1+Corinthians+1:11-13  ( I tried to copy and paste the passage, but it doesn't allow me to here)

God Bless, Ken!!!


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
5 posts

Hi Jerry,

I believe in freedom of speech and liberty of conscience, so I defend your right to use social media to post your views.

Nevertheless, I would encourage you to study an issue out until you are absolutely certain of your position, before reposting materials on it. We will all answer to God for what we teach others.

When it comes to the denominational splits, I would be careful to distinguish between apologetic discourse and quarrelsomeness. If someone stands up for the truth, they shouldn't be considered divisive.

For example, Paul had to confront and correct Peter - that is recorded for us. He also spent a great deal of time confronting false teachers, and predicted they would not spare the flock after his departure.

What he predicted came to pass, that's why there are so many denominations - the enemy works to divide and scatter.

However, uniting in error (to avoid quarreling), is not what the Bible teaches. We are not to sacrifice truth on the altar of unity. Rather, we are to contend for the true faith (Jude 1:3) but avoid meaningless quarrels over insignificant matters.

The denominational splits are caused by a lack of effective argument for the truth, not because of it. Wolves go unopposed, when those who oppose them are labelled divisive.

2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God...

God bless you...

Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 01/13/15 11:28:17PM
Jerry Herrera
Jerry Herrera
10 years ago
5 posts

Hi Ken,

In the Prophetic _ Like I keep saying "I'm not dogmatic" on articles I post, as I always conclude when I post something (I found this very interesting) and I leave it up to the viewer to make up their own mind as to whether or not they find validity in that teaching. I'm not teaching anything... Now if I were being dogmatic about what I'm posting I would say so.

When you mention Paul confronting Peter, that had nothing to do with "prophecy" that had to do with some of Peters disciples imposing Jewish Law,  coming behind Paul's back teaching his converts that they had to circumcised in order to be saved, which was false teaching.

There are most defenitly things that I'm totally dogmatic about - Only Jesus can forgive sins, not the Pope nor a Priest.. The Trinity, Salvation by Faith and not of works, There is one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ...no man can come the Son except the Spirit of God draws him/her...You must be 'Born Again' or you cannot enter into the Kingdom of God...  Jesus commanded believers (not a suggestion) go ye out into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature and make disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost... By this, all men shall know ye are my disciples if ye have love one for another...and though I speak with tongues of men and angels, have the gift of prophecy, understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, I have faith to move mountains, I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, give my body to be burned, and have not 'Love' it profits me nothing.

And where there is Strife, there is Darkness.

God Bless you as well Ken. 


Ken Rich
Ken Rich
10 years ago
5 posts

Hi Jerry,

When I mentioned Paul confronting Peter, I did not imply it was about prophecy, so I'm not sure why you would say that.

It was simply an example of someone standing up for the truth. That it should be seen as a commendable activity, rather than divisive.

It doesn't matter which false teaching is being confronted, as long as it's not something meaningless like genealogies.

Anyway, lets leave it there. I agree with the list you are dogmatic on. Be Blessed...

Ken Rich

updated by @ken-rich: 01/14/15 02:19:58AM
Jerry Herrera
Jerry Herrera
10 years ago
5 posts

God Bless Ken!!!Wink

Bobby Smith
Bobby Smith
10 years ago
3 posts

This is an eye opener. Thanks for posting !

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