The Top 20 Indie Gospel Artists Songs of 2013

James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
James Banfield's Top 20 Songs
11 years ago
34 posts

Indie Gospel Artists

Click above for the home page where a player will contain the top picks of 2013 for the next 30 days.

We had a Radio Show and were able to play and discuss the Top 20 Songs of 2013... The listing above in the player are the Top 20 songs that were voted on by the membership so what we have on this page and player is the results of that vote.

The Top Three Songs of 2013

1. "Come Back 2Chronicles 7:14" by James Banfield

2. "Remnant" by Barry and Teena Winslow

3. "Baggage Claim" by Ed Pettersen

The Videos:

1. "Mary Did You Know" by Jerry Fuller

2. "That's All I Need To Know" by Ed Pettersen

Male Artist of the Year:

1. Jerry Fuller

2. Jim Sheldon

Female Artist of the Year:

1. Carla Bragg

2. Rachel Belman

The Unsung Heroes (by Ken Rich)

#1 James Doughtery - General admin and doing the "daily grind" duties of featuring content to keep the feed fresh and the content rotating. When you see that your song video, or blo post was fetured - that was usually him. I have autofeed swet=up to put the featured content on Facebhook, twitter, and our Newspaper, so bnesides our internal RSS feed an dtop content register, what he is doing becomes amplified by tech tricks.

2. Ed Pettersen - Expertise in the recording field. Gospel Recording for many years. Concert experience. An Evangelist and instrumental in the putting together of our Special Project "The Sound of Hope". He is also an Award winning Design/Graphics/Marketing Consultant.

Thank you and may God Bless. The Team!

updated by @james-banfields-top-20-songs: 02/14/15 10:54:51AM


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