New Vision and direction for our ministry

Charity Jackson
Charity Jackson
8 years ago
1 posts

It has been awhile since we have done anything , it was just not in God's timing.

For the passed few months we have been promoting the music, there was a problem. It felt we were just promoting US and something greatly was missing. Therefore we stopped because we felt we needed to be doing something in our music ministry that needed to feel bigger than us. And I personally felt how we were going about it, promoting just the music without a cause or a reason other than creating good sounding music, although some are called to do so, felt outside of God's will for me personally.

So, we stopped for a few months to pray and seek God's guidance as to what He would like to do for our ministry. And He has finally given us a new bold vision and mission , and purpose for our ministry. 

And we need the support of as many people as possible. Because this will NOT be just my ministry, or Charity's ministry.. this will be God's peoples ministry. We want those who God has called to support this new vision for this ministry to be involved and take ownership over this ministry, and have their names built into the building blocks of the foundation as much as Charity and I.

This is what God has called us to do. So, what exactly is this new vision ?

We are told in Psalms 82 - ' Help those who are poor and helpless. Save them from those who are ev il. '  

We are going to be focusing on a very big problem in the world.

To attain the knowledge and some understanding with how incredibly horrifying the fact that children are now being sexually abused , for a profit all over the world, millions every day, is something that one person cannot take on. However , God commands us to do something about it, regardless where you are at right now in life.


Some of us can feel this problem is too big that you cannot make any significance. --

Well picture this in your mind and try to comprehend how this will feel.
Imagine the day , A CHILD is rescued from being sexually abused his/her entire life, and it was due to you taking action to this ministry that led to the very moment you get to see a picture of that child, or even meet them in person.  --

Our goal is to empower this idea and vision. We want to reach out to those who are helpless and be a  voice for them, and represent Christ for them so they may hear the good news of the gospel, to establish a new hope and pathway for their future. 

Through this ministry, we want to write/ record/ produce and distribute music which inspires, encourages, and sends a bold message to the world which will create awareness of these children in desperate need of being rescued.


We are working with an organization called Destiny Rescue to make this happen. And with our music, we aim to raise funds through music distribution, fund raisers, live event fund raising, and online sales in a 90/10 % rule.. only 10% profits to continue operation and 90% going toward rescuing these children.

You can learn more about Destiny Rescue and get live updates about our ministry, and also find out how to become involved if you wish, at  - 

Thanks !

Charity Jackson & Eric Abbott

Skype ID - traffic2prosperity

Facebook -

updated by @unlockingfaith: 02/05/23 01:35:43PM
Ken Rich
Ken Rich
8 years ago
5 posts

Cool - here is a resource for you -

Ken Rich


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