"In The Garden Of My Beloved "

John and Carolyn Daniels
John and Carolyn Daniels
16 years ago
9 posts
I'm walking in the Garden of GethesameI followed my dear Savior hereI'm bearing the cross prepared for meIt's meaning is so very clearI'm drinking that cup of bitter gallI'm feeling the baptism of deathDeath to self, that is awaiting us allEmptied vessels, to be filled with His BreathThe Breath of the Holy GhostThat sacred, sweet smelling oilFilling our vessels to the uttermostUntil there is room for no moreBearing this cross, that brings so much painYet seeing the joy that lied aheadKnowing I have nothing to lose but Heaven to gainReigning in His Resurrection power, when this flesh is deadI'll walk with Him into another Garden soonWhere no sorrow, pain or suffering dwellsA garden filled with all manner of precious fruitA garden my Beloved has tenderly tilledI'll come up out of the wilderness that is so barren and dryLeaning on His everlasting armSmelling with Frankincense and MyrrhCaptivated by my Beloveds charmHis Bride at last, His undefiled DoveUnited as one in this Garden of PardiseHe will come into His Garden and eat my fruit of loveHe will give me to eat of His fruit, from His Tree of Eternal loveIn the Garden of my Beloved.Written by Carolyn Williams(c) 1988
updated by @john-and-carolyn-daniels: 04/14/15 12:24:29AM


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